Theme Of Alienation In Kafka's Metamorphosis

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The rotting insect thinks of his family “with deep feeling and love” for being tolerant and forgiving while in fact, it is the polar opposite (Kafka 89). Therefore, while Gregor is giving and devoted to his family, in order for him to deduct that he owes his family something, there must be delusion that his family gave him something in the first place. Because he believes himself to be such an encumbrance, Gregor can only liberate his family by one thing: self-eradication.
Nearly equally as significant in Kafka’s Metamorphosis is the theme of alienation which is spread throughout and even before the novella. There are similar ties between the two themes because certain events explain both of Kafka’s messages of extremism and self-sacrifice. …show more content…

His mother even remarks that “isn’t it a fact that by removing the furniture we’re showing that we’re giving up all hope of an improvement?” (Kafka 53). Even after acknowledging that taking his furniture would show Gregor that his family had lost hope, they still proceed. The Samsa family has shown that they have lost faith in Gregor, and would therefore neglect him. First, Gregor’s job is taken away, then his furniture which contains all the memories associated with being a human, which further dehumanizes and alienates Gregor. His belongings being taken away from him is “to declare symbolically that Gregor is no longer human and will never be human again” (“Metamorphosis”). The removal of furniture, which is a human luxury, forces him into a more primitive state from which he is required to …show more content…

Samsa takes this role as a function to forbid Gregor to take any step to attempt to be human-like. Firstly, Mr. Samsa is the direct reason for Gregor’s alienation. Gregor says “[i]f I didn’t hold back for my parents’ sake, I would’ve quit ages ago” (Kafka 5). Mr. Samsa is the reason that Gregor works in order to pay off his father’s debt which is the prevailing reason for his isolation from society in the first place. Not only is it clear that Mr. Samsa’s despicable nature comes to life from placing his debt on Gregor, he also lacks gratitude for all of Gregor’s devotion to his work. “Gregor’s disappointment over the lack of appreciation is one the few critical thoughts he thinks about his father...but he quickly dismisses the thought by saying that no doubt his father knew best”(“Metamorphosis”). This is important to note because Gregor is once again submitting to authority. Even though Gregor longs for appreciation, he sacrifices his own wishes because he feels inferior to his father and he hopes to please him. Gregor submitting to the superiority of his father is a dominant reason why Gregor is so isolated from society. He works for the appreciation and love of his parents. Not only does Mr. Samsa show no appreciation for Gregor’s devotion to his work, but he also ensures that Gregor should stay in his isolated place as vermin. After the situation with Gregor’s boss coming to his house, Mr. Samsa, out of rage, “gave him one

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