metamorphosis scene analysis

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In the novel “The Metamorphosis” Frank Kafka conveys the theme of universal truth that humans are pessimistic, by nature. After the transformation of Gregor into “monstrous vermin” the family also undergoes transformation leading the family members to have a pessimistic attitude towards Gregor.
In the beginning of the novel “When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.” After the transformation of Gregor, the family as a whole also undergoes transformation. Before the transformation the whole family was dependent on Gregor. Gregor was responsible for providing for the family and his family's dilemma of paying off debts, motivates him to work hard to bring money home to satisfy his family. Once Gregor transforms he is unable to work and unable to meet his family's needs and as a result loses his family's dependency. His family, in consequence, is forced to change and become independent from him. Gregor’s father had done no work for past years and didn’t want to work but after his son turned into a bug, he had to work and earn for the family. “His mother in spite of the manager’s presence she stood with her hair unbraided from the night, sticking out in all directions” Gregor mother was old and not capable to work, after the transformation of Gregor into a bug she is very shocked. Gregor’s sister, Grete changes from a young woman to an selfish adult over time in the book. These changes in the family that occurred through Gregor’s transformation have left the family with a pessimistic attitude about their life. They think life will continue to get worse. The family views change as a bad thing and believes that now everything will be harder and frustrating a...

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...titude “Oh God… what a grueling job I’ve picked! Day in, day out on the road. The upset of doing business is much worse than the actual business in the home office, and besides, I’ve got the torture of traveling, worrying about changing trains, eating miserable food at all hours…” Gregor has a lot of complains about his job and his boss, but the transformation allows Gregor the freedom that he was never allowed to have as a human being. Gregor's transformation from a human being into an insect allows him to gain a personal appreciation of himself. But the family’s attitude towards Gregor’s transformation was pessimistic throughout the book.
In conclusion, the universal truth that humans are pessimistic, by nature is revealed in the novel “The Metamorphosis” by Frank Kafka. After the transformation of Gregor the family creates a pessimistic attitude towards Gregor.

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