The Roles of the National Budget

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The national budget is the main instrument through which governments collect resources from the economy, in a sufficient and appropriate manner; and allocate and use those resources responsively, efficiently and effectively (Todorovic & Djordjevic, 2009). The work of public budget has increased extremely more complicated, abstruse and worrying (Hou, 2006, p.730).
Fiscal Affairs Department of IMF in 2009 declared that a statement of the main central government tax expenditures should be required as part of the budget or related fiscal documentation, indicating the public policy purpose of each provision, its duration, and the intended beneficiaries. In addition, there is an area of the budget that routinely escapes rigorous inspection. This is the large allocation of state resources through the use of tax expenditures which reduce the taxes that might otherwise be collected. The tax expenditure report supplements the annual or biennial budget document (Benker, 1986).
Tax expenditures are popularly known as tax loopholes or tax breaks. It departures from the normal tax structure and ...

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