The Role of Evil in Macbeth

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Evil is everywhere. Some people do not mean to hurt others, and do not mean to be careless about others. Some people can convince others to make the wrong choice or to make a big mistake. Sometimes people do not know what position to take or what decision to make. That is why there are people who can convince others to be something bad such as a murder.

Clearly, Macbeth is a weak person because his inability of thinking led him to kill. He did not think about what will happen when he kills. He listened to some one who wanted to convince him to do something terrible.

Lady Macbeth is the one who led Macbeth to kill, by convincing him that he will be a king by murdering King Duncan. He chooses treachery and crime, knows them for what they are and is totally aware he is doing evil. Lady Macbeth is the one who is really tempted.

Lady Macbeth. O, never

shall sun that morrow see!

Your face, my Thane, is as a book where men

May read strange matters. To beguile the time,

Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,

your Hand, and your tongue; look like the innocent


But be the serpent under’t. (I, VV, 70-75).

Lady Macbeth is less aware of this difference between good and evil. She is trying to tell Macbeth to feign his loyalty to King Duncan. She strived for the kingdom, the power to rule, and to be a queen. Macbeth is worried, scared, and undecided about what he should do. He is a weak person and he can not contain actions. She convinced him to be a murder.

“Macbeth. I am settled and bend up

Each corporal agent terrible feat.

Away, and mock the time with fairest show;

false face must hide what the false heart doth know” (I, IV, 93-95).

Macbeth is victim to evil because he is a weak and does not think for himself, influenced by those around him.

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