The Role of Chance in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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The Role of Chance in Romeo and Juliet

In William Shakespeare's classic Elizabethan Tragedy "Romeo &

Juliet" we are asked to determine what events in the story are chance,

coincidence or fate. Although some scholars are persuaded to relate as to

how chance and coincidence are tools of fate, I feel as though everything

is either chance or coincidence. If everything was controlled by fate then

life would be pointless. We would have no decisions to make, it would all

be predetermined. That is why I don't believe in fate, and so, naturally I

have determined that "Romeo & Juliet" is not controlled by fate. I was

also told that people in the Middle East believe in fate full out. So much

that they travel at crazy speeds in their cars around corners without

thinking twice. They believe that if there is a car around that corner,

then it was fated to happen and they would still die if they were going the

speed limit. I believe that Romeo & Juliet dug there own holes with bad


Chance plays a major part in the story. Everything starts in the

very beginning when Montegue and Capulet servants just happen to cross

paths in a public place. This is a chance meeting. Coincidence cannot be

involved now because it is too early in the story. Also by chance, the

servants are talking of their hatred of the other family and there

unwillingness to bear insults. The opening line of the play is, "Gregory,

on my word, we'll not carry coals. "(pg.6)" Meaning he will not stand for

any insults. This results in the fight that forces Prince Escalus to make

the decree that "If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay

the forfeit of the peace." (pg.14) He is saying that the next person who

starts a fight will be executed. This decree results in Romeo's banishment,

and his banishment is the reason for Juliet faking her death, which caused

both of them to die. Another act of chance is when Romeo climbs over the

Capulet house's wall right next to Juliet's room.

The very first coincidental event is on page 4, before the actual

play begins, it is that the Montagues and Capulets are fighting.

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