The Role Of Glorification In Renee Watson's This Side Of Home

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Portland Oregon has the highest percentage of gentrification of all other cities in the United States. It's no secret gentrification is sweeping America's cities, however is in less commonly know that gentrification occurring in other countries, such as Brazil, South Africa, and lots of places in Europe etc. Gentrification isn’t necessarily black and white as we may think coming from Portland, but typically is between poor and upper income. There are those who are enthusiastic about gentrification and those who are to resistant to gentrification. There are valid arguments on both side. In the novel This Side of Home by Renee Watson, Maya the main character not only is resistant to gentrification but also resists stereotypes and overcomes Barriers in her community. Maya supports a black business rather than a white, boycotts a diversity event that silences black history month celebration, and she is determined to go a historic black College. Maya’s neighborhood has just gone through a process of gentrification, and Maya resists to all the change that is happened in her neighborhood she raised in. New businesses, community and identities are emerging. On Jackson Street a street fair occurs,the majority of the vendors are white, but …show more content…

Green the principal changes the Black History Month assembly to a diverse culture event to recognize Richmond's new diverse student body. To Maya this an assault to Black History Month. So Maya decides to Boycott the event and celebrate by putting up pictures of freedom fighters on the walls of the Hallways.(Rad) Maya, Tony, Charles, Starr are sitting on the linoleum floor of a hallway at Richmond, boycotting the culture event.”’ I know that Mr. Kiss-Up Green is trying to change our image, but he’s just a puppet of the system. If things are going to change at richmond, we’ve got to initiate that change’’’(127). Maya and her friends resist the decisions of Mr.Green, and break the rules in protest of these

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