The Role Of Enkidu In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Many have heard and have the read the stories in the Bible, e.g. the story of the Garden of eden and of Noah’s ark — where Noah saved the world from a flood that would have eradicated all life on earth; but, what many forget to keep in mind, is that the stories in the Bible contain many motifs as the the Epic of Gilgamesh — a much more ancient piece of writing.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, the protagonist, is illustrated as a cruel and tyrannical dictator of the city of Uruk — a city he built himself. He was so horrible, to the end that his people prayed to the “Gods” to send a nemesis that will over power Gilgamesh. Their prayers were answered. The Goddess of creation, Aruru, formed a being from clay — called Enkidu. His literal purpose in life was to rid Gilgamesh of his arrogance. Enkidu was portrayed, in the beginning of his time, as a wild man, raised by animals and ignorant of human society until he is bedded by Shamhat; who was ordered by a hunter, under Gilgamesh’s rule, to seduce him. After becoming inundated by “reason,” Enkidu goes to Uruk, and after a gruesome battle against Gilgamesh, one which he is defeated in, he befriends Gilgamesh and joins him in adventures for glory — which lead to his death. Gilgamesh is now petrified by death, …show more content…

In his quest, Gilgamesh meets a man named Utnapishtim — who is the closes embodiment of Noah, from the Bible. Utnapishtim winds up saving humanity and animals by building a boat; which God commands him to do. And although Utnapishtim received his orders from Gods in a dream, while Noah received them directly from God — “Then the Lord said to Noah, ‘Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation” —, they were both chosen by God to save humanity — a tremendous

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