The Rise Of Rome

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Like the famous saying goes, Rome wasn 't built in a day, and that couldn 't be truer. There are many things that led to the founding of Rome, and those things ultimately led to the great Roman Empire that controlled Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia at its peak. The events that led up to the widely accepted founding date of 753 BC, can mostly be attributed to the geography of the area that became known as Rome, although there is a significant legend that includes a murderous twin. Overall, through Greek and Etruscan influences, the geography of Rome led to the founding of the republic as a trade depot. Geography is destiny in the founding of Rome. Italy is a peninsula that is surrounded by three important bodies of water. To the …show more content…

The Legend said that there were two twin demigod boys who were orphaned, but were nursed by a she-wolf. At the age of 6 or 7, the two boys, Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome, but Romulus became angry after many arguments of who would rule, and where Rome would be, so murdered his brother. This is when he became sole ruler and King, and when the founding of Rome was traditionally set, 753 BC. Although this story is a legend, it gives us great insight into the Roman Republic. By Romulus the legend saying that the Seven Hills of Rome are united by fratricide, it implies that Rome will face many difficulties because it is cursed by the killing. This entire legend is an early expression of Roman religion. This legend ultimately reminded the people of Rome just how deadly and dangerous fighting or disputing over a political system could …show more content…

One of the major influences to the foundation of Rome was the Etruscans. Etruscan customs can be found all throughout the Roman culture. The Romans adopted the use of elaborate costumes for magistrates, and started to invite women to dinner parties where just men were traditionally invited. The largest influence from the Etruscans was on religion. The Etruscans were animist who believed in Divination which is when a person looks for clues in the organs of slaughtered animals. Etruscans would also pay close attention to nature and the weather because they believed that it was the gods communicating with them. If lightning struck a certain area it could be a god trying to send a message that the area is not pleasing him. The Romans adopted this belief and made it their own. They too would often look to the heavens and nature for messages from the gods. Romans also adopted the Etruscan alphabet, which was based on the writings of Greeks, another powerful influence on Rome. The founding of Rome happened during the Archaic age in Greek history. This is a time when Greeks would send their sons out to colonize and find new lands to live. These colonizing Greeks came in contact with the Romans, and introduced many new cultural ideas to them. A lot of Greek influence can be noticed in Roman literature, architect, and theatre. Greeks also had a huge influence

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