Essay On Rome

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The Roman Empire was a prosperous nation filled with trade and strong rulers. It expanded from seven hills to a huge empire of success and economic wealth. Rome is a rich blend of many cultures that helped shaped our world.
The city of Rome lies on top of 7 hills in the Italian Peninsula that is located in Europe. These seven hills had walled in separated cities with a lack of protection. The hills were of volcanic ridge that provided rich nutrients they needed in order to grow a variety of crops such as various grains, grapes, and olives. Along with this source of fertile soil, the Tiber River which separated the hills, had rich soil too. This made Rome an ideal place to settle. Rome expanded and so did it’s numbers of landforms. when it became an empire, the landforms included the Tiber River, Danube River, Apennines Mountains, Mediterranean Sea, Rhine River, marshes, and the hills. They affect travel, crops, and trade. Rome has many marshes in between the hills and are infamous for them. They flooded so much the Romans had to create hydraulic engineering. But the climate is moderate. During the months of October to January, the most rainfall occurs Fahrenheit with an average rainfall of 40 cm. From June to September the temp is a high of 86 Fahrenheit and a minimum of 57 Fahrenheit. April-November varies from 44 to 86 Fahrenheit. This climate is known as ‘Mediterranean’ and is very product and has a large growing season.
The Roman government started out as a monarchy. When Lucius Brutus rebelled against the Etruscan sovereigns, the republic was born. This allowed the two social groups, the plebeians and patricians to vote on multiple leaders instead of having the leader inherit the power. The power though, was not equal. ...

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...Pax Romana. In this time he did many important things. He created a new currency for all the Roman Empire to make trading and selling more efficient. Augustus also rebuilt many destroyed temples. He had made Rome beautiful again.He said, “I found Rome brick, and left it marble.” Along with that he made more trade routes. This way merchants could trade much faster. Rome became a center of trade. He built roads as well. This helped connect the empire with each other, since there were direct roads to cities. Augustus promoted art and education. This made Rome very well rounded. Augustus led the empire to it’s peak.
As you can see, the Roman Empire was a prosperous nation filled with trade and strong rulers. It faced hard times but managed to pull through and become great. Rome contributed immensely the world we know today. It was an empire of strength and stability.

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