The Rise Of Early Christianity

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Throughout the rise of early Christianity in rome persecution ranged from commoners to emperors and was a common practice. The unfair oppression of Christians came from a place of fear from the emperors, However the commoners believed Christians disrespected the rank of the gods. Because of the inferior label put on Christians and their “shameful” behavior during this time persecution was an ongoing sequence.

Christianity is a unified religion that took full commitment and faith in early Rome. Christianity Rose during the first century after christ 's death and its rise came from the help of the apostles. Apostles are early christian teachers who taught the message of christ as well as how to reach god through worship. They first taught the early roman christians to accept christ as their lord and savior not the emperor. Pliny, a lawyer author and magistrate in ancient rome who lived from 61 to 113 c, wrote letters to an emperor named trajan about the average sunday worship of a christian. , He writes, “ That they were wont, on a stated day, to meet together before it was light, and to sing a hymn to Christ, as to a god, alternately; and to oblige themselves by a sacrament [or oath], not to do anything that was ill: but that they would commit no theft, or pilfering, or adultery; that they would not break their promises, or deny what was deposited with them...“it was their custom to depart, and to meet again at a common but innocent meal,” The “hymn” he is talking about was connected to the bible, a physical representation of the christians denying the emperor, and in reciting an oath they separated themselves from the emperor on a divine level. When Pliny is talking the meal they eat he is explaining a traditional sunday din...

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... to heal those dealing with illnesses, and in doing so this helped to converted alot of Pagans. However alot of the roman people were still angry at the situatuion at hand in rome. Not only were they poor, becuase they wee spending money n how to help their loved ones, but those that were not in Hospitals would have had family member taken away from their original religion.

Pagans and Christians both looked for someone to blame, however the pagans who were loyal to to the emperor looked for an easy target, which happens to be the christinas. Most Christians were either slaves or soldiers, so they were hardly respectable people at that time. The main reason why Emperors persecuted Christians is because historically emperors had always been hostile to christians. How could an emperor agree to a religion where they worship Jesus Christ, a jewish criminal.

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