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Evolution of the phone and how it has evolved over time
Evolution of the phone and how it has evolved over time
The merits and demerits of cell phones
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Mobile usage has proliferated in recent years. Areas all over the world have enjoyed the rapid development and high penetration of mobile devices. This popular trend has developed for so many reasons and has a lot to say about us. When cell phones were first created they were considered to be “car phones” as they were too large to carry around in a pocket or handbag. However in 1983 Motorola Dyna Tac 800X arrived on the market. Though it would seem huge to our eyes it was considered the first mobile phone because it was small enough to carry. This cell phone weighed 1.1kg and measured in at 228.6x 127x 44.4mm. With this device you got 30 minutes of talk time and it took around 10 hours to charge, and had a cost of $3995. Cell phones have …show more content…
The ability to communicate is important and cell phones have made it possible to connect with another person with just a simple click. Unlike the landlines, mobile phones are portable and one can use them in whichever location he or she is as there is network coverage. Most people prefer cell phones to landlines due to their convenience and their abilities to send a short message service. Although early cell phones were just for talking gradually more features were added. Features like voicemail, email, pager, and address book made it even easier to keep connected with people and made people depend even more on their cell phone devices. In recent years the purpose of the cell phone has shifted from a verbal communication tool to a multimedia tool. Now a days we use our cell phones more for texting, surfing the web and checking emails. Another reason why this cell phone trend is so popular is because cell phones can help in emergency situations. If you’re in need of help or stranded some place, having a cell phone could really come in handy. They have also helped save lives in many occasions because it is easier to reach medical help when needed. Also, cell phones are equipped with
Sure cell phones make life easier. No longer do we have to call someone to convey a message, just send a text. It’s convenient to be able to call a number and have the person you're looking for pick up, kind of like a direct line. It Takes out the anxiety of wanting to call someone, but being afraid their parents or siblings, or even their significant other will pick up. Many people are getting rid of landline phones all together because everyone in the family has a cell phone. They are like a handheld person assistant. We can set alarms, set appointmen...
The world’s first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973, when Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola, called a rival telecommunications company and informed them he was speaking via a mobile phone. The phone Cooper used, if you could call it that, weighed a staggering 1.1kg and measured in at 228.6x127x44.4mm. With this prototype device, you got 30 minutes of talk-time and it took around 10 hours to charge.”(knowyourmobile). Back then cell phones weren’t as flashy but everyone was just as excited for them as they are now. “Many of the early cell phones were considered to be “car phones,” as they were too large and cumbersome to carry around in a pocket or purse. However, in 1983, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x arrived on the market. Though huge by today’s standards, it was considered the first truly mobile phone because it was small enough to carry.”(artinstitutes).
This first handheld cell phone weighed 2.4 pounds and was 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches in size. For reference, the iPhone 6 is 5.44 x 2.64 x 0.27 inches and weighs just 129 grams (0.28 pounds). The first handheld cell phone also had only 20 minutes of battery life when talking. Once the phone battery was drained, it took approximately 10 hours to charge back up fully. As phones change, society changes along with it because people rely on their phones for everything. As phones develop people develop with them. And People have evolved to have everything they need right in their pockets.
Cell phones are gradually affecting American culture today because they are becoming a key part of everyday life. The cell phone is "?an indispensable companion that serves without favor or prejudice. It has reached into every civilized corner of the world--and often brought civilization with it. From its wires spring the words of history in the making, the chatter of daily life" ("43 Years" sc. 1). The cell phone enables individuals to communicate rapidly over great distances and obtain information like never before. People can now pick up the phone and get information on the weather, time, stock market quotations, and other things simply by dialing a few numbers. Cell phones connect the world together, to the point where individuals become almost helpless without it. The next time you find yourself waiting at a stoplight, take the time to observe the people around you. There will likely be at least one person in the surrounding cars who is talking on the phone. Even on the streets, people continue to chat on the phone. Cell phones are everywhere. One resident in Greenville, S.C. admitted that he uses his cell phone at least 15 times a day (Chany sc. 2). The cell phone is in such high use that the traditional phones in homes and offices almost become antique devices on display. Although traditional phones are still around, individuals are quicker to pick up their cell phone.
When cell phones were first introduced, all you could do was call others and talk for half an hour. It was like a brick and took ten hours to charge. It also cost $3995. That’s a lot more than most of today’s cell phones. Even, though it was a very basic phone, it began impacting the world. Now, you could call your relatives and actually talk with them without being next to them. Parents gave their kids cell phones to stay in touch. Now you can contact anyone through your mobile phone in multiple ways. You can text, call, facetime or message someone through social media. Cell phones abilities
Cellular phones are a phenomenon that has engulfed people in the nineties. They have become a common occurrence whether you are waiting in line at the super market or in a movie theatre. One professor at Murray State University said, “Many students are carrying them, I had a student get a call in the middle of a test last semester.” Although many people have accepted the thought of carrying a telephone wherever they go, others have not taken the onslaught of cell phones quite so easily. Cell phones have become part of everyday life, and with the dramatic changes that have been made, there is no sign of their existence diminishing. Today, cellular service is available in all 306 Metropolitan Statistical Areas across the country and all of the 428 Rural Service Areas.
In 1983, Motorola released its first cell phone, known as the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, which offered 30 minutes of talk-time, six hour standby, and could store 30 phone numbers. By that time, cell phones were extremely expensive -- the DynaTAC 8000X costs 3995 dollars, and the cellular network was limited. To analyze the development and interpretative flexibility of the cell phone at its early stage, we must first introduce social groups that were related to the artefact. The users of the artefact were the most important social group. At the time, users were mainly constructed by businessmen, managers, politicians, doctors,big companies, military etc. who had high income and had to remain in contact with others occasionally. For them, the cell phones were the extension of corded phones that helps keeping the communication on without the limit of ranges. Thus, the problems that this social group had with cell phones are rather clear. The cell phones were too big and heavy, the talking time was too short for frequent users, and the nu...
Cell phones have become a part of mainstream culture. Recently they have become more affordable and accomplish much more than making and receiving calls. Along with the growing popularity there is also growing concerns about safety and health. In this paper we will address cell phone history and how they have evolved. We will discuss health concerns such as tumors and talking while driving. Finally, we will talk about all of the technology that cell phones can accomplish such as receiving Email and buying stocks.
One advantage of having a cell phone is that its very helpful when a person needs to contact a friend or a family member (9). For example, when someone is lost in a place they have never been in. But now a days people owning a cell phone can never get lost because now phones have a map that tells you where your location is. Now a phone can also be a credit/debit card swiper for someone's business.
Back in the late 70s and early 80s phones did not have cameras or web browsing or anything like that. They were basically just plastic boxes with wiring inside unlike today’s smartphones with glass touchscreens HD camcorders, video calling, and web capability, but if not for the first cellphone we would not have come so far since then. In 1973 the founder of Motorola Martin Cooper made it easier to call and chat with people and made the worlds first mobile phone. However, it was not approved by the FCC until September 21, 1983, when it became the first commercial portable cellphone. At a cost of $3,995 people thought of this as the future of communication and everyone wanted to get their hands on one though looking back on it now they might have been a little over priced compared to todays modern cellphone prices. We have come a long way since the 70s phones have become more compacted easier to take on the go and today mankind is still coming up with ever newer ways to stay close to ...
Like the rest of the world, I cannot go a day without my phone. Try leaving your phone at home for a day and let me know how you feel. With the growing technology my phone is like my arms and legs. It is my must- have- can’t live without phone. It is my connection to the outside world. It is my connection to other people’s lives and theirs to connect with mine. The “cell phone” started out as a form of communication via calling and then it exploded with text messaging. Now it seems that most people would prefer texting then calling someone.
The year is 2014, the markets are changing constantly, and they always have to meet the needs of new consumers as well as old consumers. Mobile telephones have been in the retail and wholesale business for quite some time, and are only evolving from here on out. There are things that these cell phones can bring us that are major benefits in our everyday lives. Cell phones bring us maps, radios, address books, and even flashlights now. Cell phones have taken shape from a huge portable device to a more convenient thin device that can fit in your pocket. With time in any consumer market, the consumer adapts to the technology that makes their life easier. The constant innovation of cell phones has led us to smart phones, and these smart phones are capable of putting certain businesses out of the market. Businesses that engineered PDAs in the past were met with challenges because smart phones are able to match their productivity. Land lines have become useless since everyone can afford a mobile device now. Listening to music has also switched from a traditional CD Player/MP3 Player to an everyday smart phone.
Twenty-five years ago, a phone was just a way to contact someone. Mobile phones have become one of the most common tools of communication for both young and old. Cellular devices have redefined relationships and social conduct, and transformed the daily lives of many individuals. Cell phones no longer function just as a communication device. Today it has many other uses.
When phones became available to the public they were not considered to be mobile in today’s sense of the word. They were available to have installed in an automobile, they were big and bulky, and they needed and consumed a lot of power to use. The phone networks would only support a few simultaneous conversations. Cell phones since then have made vast improvements in their efficiency, abilities, and size. The first handheld mobile phone wasn’t produce until 1973. The origin...
Cell phones represent a type of technology that has been around for more than over fifty years; it has only been recently that many people began to use cell phones as a major part of their everyday life. In the past cell phones were for business people to conduct their business, but in today’s society every one owns a cell phone. Cell phones are interesting, useful and also play a major role in our life’s bringing people closer and keeping in touch with one another. Most people do not know and understand the physics of a cell phone. Cell phones are also known as cellular phone, hand phone, and commonly known as a mobile phone. A cell phone is an electric device that can make and receive calls, over and automatic repeat request (radio link petrol -RLP) used over wireless air interdace.it us a portable telephone that uses and receive phone signals.it also divides that earth into small regional called cells.in the resent estimates there are over 190 million people using mobile phone. One of the primary health concerns is the impact of cell phone radiation, by radio waves by which it operates.