The Response to the Spread of Buddhism in China Differed According to One's Social Position

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The response to the spread of Buddhism in China differed according to one’s social position.
Confucian scholars and the emperor attacked Buddhism as an outlandish, barbaric belief. “The Memorial of Buddhism” written by Han Yu, a Confucian scholar, opposes Buddhism when the emperor decides to bring “the finger bone of Buddha” into the Chinese palace. He shows the unjust actions of the emperor by referring back to Confucian teachings such as keeping “[ghosts and spirits] at a distance”. The scholar also describes how Buddhism is barbaric because it does not conform to any Chinese laws or Confucian teachings (Doc. 4). As a Confucian scholar, he favored the relationship between “sovereign and subject” and traditional dress. He did not want these Chinese ways destroyed by Buddhist beliefs. Similarly, in document 6, Tang Emperor Wu speaks about the damage Buddhism has done to his people, ways and life. He says the mass conversions to Buddhism has affected his social structure by increasing the number of monks and decreasing the number of farmers. As an emperor of the Tang dynasty, he dis...

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