The Relationship Between Men And Women In The Tragedy Of Othello

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“Who would not make her husband a cuckold to make him a monarch” (4.3.85 - 87). A question stating Emilia would cheat on her own husband if it were to make him a king, and an example of Shakespeare challenging gender roles and social status. The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare, centers around six main characters who all end up on the island of Cyprus together. The main antagonist, named Iago, and his wife, Emilia live in sixteenth century Venice when they decide to go to Cyprus. While the standards for sixteenth century Venetian women were to serve their husbands, Emilia responds to those standards by challenging the relationship between man and woman, and by speaking out against her husband. The first key point is to understand …show more content…

On the island of Cyprus, Emilia explains to Desdemona that, “[it is] not a year or two shows us a man. They eat us hungrily and when they are full, they belch us” when they find a moment alone together (3.4.120-123). When Shakespeare says, “not a year or two shows us a man” he suggests that it takes at least a year to show that men only want women as items for their amusement. While Emilia talks to Desdemona about the true intentions of men, she challenges the relationships between wives and husbands, going against the standards of Venice. Once Emilia helps Desdemona finish undressing, she tells Desdemona what she thinks of wives with flaws and their husbands. She argues, “But I do think it is their husband’s faults if wives do fall… Let husbands know their wives have sense like them” (4.3.97-105). Shakespeare says, “it is their husbands’ faults if wives do fall” to divulge the flaws of men and the resulting broken relationships. As Emilia shares her belief of men with Desdemona, she challenges the gender relationships ignoring the Venetian standards for women to serve and keep quiet. Men can be and are imperfect with many flaws just as women are and should not be thought of any higher just because of their

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