Roman Catholic Church Reformation Essay

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In my essay I will attempt to give an overview of the many positive and negative changes that the reformation groups and individuals had to Roman Catholic Church and other churches. The reformation was a religious movement that started officially by Martin Luther challenging the sale of the indulgences in Roman Church.
Historical Background. The major characters that contributed to the reformations in the early churches e.g. Martin Luther, John Calvin among others. The major causes for the reformation against the Roman Catholic Church include
1. Wrong doctrine teachings. Assertion that final authority was only the bible while the Roman Catholic Church asserted that the church was overall supreme controlling political institutions, economic …show more content…

Council of Trent set out to Counter Reformation, confirmed training for priests in order to improve their intellectual and moral discipline by laying some new rules
14. The reformation liberated some of the Catholic nuns and monks trained to be celibates and the Convents shut down a blessing for those who did not want to become nuns. Luther married Catherine Von Bora an ex-nun. Enhanced security in marriages provided protection to women against abuse of their husbands. It also marked a change in women in that they could own property or divorce husband and take with them the property but under special conditions. Women became more respected at homes and in the society.
15. Decline of the Holy Roman Empire lost power in a religious and politically fragmented empire.
16. Rising sense of individualism more people started to create strong and better life for themselves economically, money kept at home was used to start small businesses embracing new ideas of borrowing money instead of suppressing people who didn’t have. This created rise of non-landed wealthy people.
17. Reformation lead people to democracy, with their own concept of spiritual faith with which they could approach matters that required spiritual …show more content…

King Henry used the reformation for his own personal advantage/misuse of power married many wives as opposed to scriptures.
11. Economically the reformation caused disunity in Germany because they lacked a centralized economy. Religion a department of government ruled by princes or the city council in Geneva.
12. On the side of Art, a great disagreement between the Protestants and Catholics erupted causing disparity between artefacts made in the North and south. Catholic church enforced the painters to produce strictly religious art to contrast it with that of Protestants painters. This caused them to spend much money on Art, as their paintings glorified catholic traditions.
13. With no choice in religion power, the disunited religions wanted to gain power over the others that were weak and form a state religion.
14. Catholic church still upholded the witchcraft practices in the church.

Personally from my point of view when it comes to changes there is always a consequence in every angle we view it. In every aspect, change will never fail in causing stress. When done all over a whole religion, stress is even more bound to be in the entire society. Those people who basically program their entire life on their religion and want other people to adapt to their way of lifestyle through this noteworthy of a change, there will always be problems. People will always be rebellious of change that does not favor them an impact that can be small but affect people

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