Censorship is the practice of examining books, movies and other things and suppressing unacceptable parts. When books are banned it’s because it satisfies the needs of the higher power to be in control. If the children don’t read the book then they won’t learn about it. Schools think that they should shelter kids away from real life things just because there bad. Blubber is banned because of the vulgar language and bullying. In the book all the girls in the class pick on a fat girl and call her mean names and never get punished, they also curse and are disrespectful. Blubber is written by Judy Blume who let her kids read anything because she felt it was right for them to know about real world things no matter what age and no matter what context. This is probably why most of her books come off as inappropriate to most people. Judy Blume’s Blubber is banned in some schools and libraries because the bullies prevail and it doesn’t teach good morals, and despite the literary merit it has, it should continue to be banned because of vulgar language, and harassment.
Blubber is banned in schools and libraries mainly because the bullies prevail in the end of the book. Maynard shows his opinion by stating, “Blubber, where the kids’ horrible cruelty to the fat girl s never punished, Judy Blume raises questions without solving them.” (Maynard 8). Based on his opinion Judy Blume talks about problems in her books and never answers them properly. The reader will go on through the whole book and read about bullying and how it is bad but in the end find that it’s okay and not punishable. An example from the book that shows a bully prevailing is shown when the teacher asks, “Whose apple is this? It’s mine Linda answered even t...
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...g anything. Kids need to learn that this is not okay and they need to take actions when someone is getting treated this brutally.
Overall Blubber should continue to be banned do to the excessiveness of bullying and awful language. There is some literary merit to the book but that doesn't overrule all of the bad parts. When a student reads this book the majority of the feedback will be in agreement with my thesis. After studying a little bit into banned books and censorship I learned that it takes a lot to ban a book anywhere. Trying to get a majority of people to ban a book will take a while, and if the book does eventually gets banned the supervisor can know that the book had to have a lot of bad aspects to it. After reading the book personally I felt as if there was no way that this book could be acceptable to any student from middle school to high school.
Threw out the article judy blmue wrote about censorship a personal view she takes her readers on journey threw her eyes and makes them hop in her shoes to take a test drive threw her life and show her ins and outs of how she experience and dealt with censorship , with coming in contact ,learning ,and rebelling against it. She does in her article by using some clever yet effective ways of using the Rhetorical Strategies to get the reader to think a certain way and feel a certain way. Jude blume use the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos to effectively persuade the reader and inform the reader that censorship is not up to a group of people but a personal choice.
After finishing the book, this book should not be in the banned books. This book has strong language for a younger child to read. it shows what can happen to teenagers, what students will do with drugs, and it has a strong message for older teens. For younger readers, this book carries very strong language but it has a strong message. One of those is that it shows what students will do with drugs.
In the article censorship: a personal view by Judy bulme she discusses and touches on censorship in literature in children and young adolescence books. Now in article there are a lot of possible exigencies listed threw out the article one of the main exigencies is that Judy bulme has personal experience with censorship as a little girl, with that personal account she has familiarity that compels and gives her credibility to write this article. With exigencie their also comes a purpose bulme’s purpose in the article is trying to convince parents that you should not coddle a young teen or an adolescent from literature that may not be suitable for them, but let their mind wonder and explain it after they read it. Also she communicates that censorship on books are not right because it’s unconstitutional violating the first amendment freedom of press. The audience she speaks to in article is the group of parents that are like middle age and older that have one track minds, and have to young teens and adolescent ages between 12-9 years old that are hesitant to let their children to read edgy books, teens who were her age and, have or experience the same thing she went thought as a kid, teachers and facility that believe in her cause that have lost their job over edgy books that were not age appropriate to their students. The context that you have to consider in the time of Judy bulme article is there is are a lot of issues going on the America culture that censorship of government felt need be. For inesxctie like the cold war was going on and nobody knew if another war was going to break out at any time. So any material that seemed edgy or conserverial it was going to be censored or restricted by the censors to the minors. Then th...
Censorship, as defined in the dictionary, is, in the case of a book, to take out things thought to be objectionable. Censorship is far more than that. This mere word prohibits us from all things
Many might think that all teenage or young adult books would be filled with happy thoughts and positive things, but you don't learn lessons from everything being perfect. That’s where banned or challenged books come along. A challenged book is a book that has been requested by many to be moved off a library's shelf. A banned book is a challenged book the has been removed from the shelves. The Outsiders was one of the best-selling books of its time and has won 5 awards since. It was banned and challenged for many reasons by many school districts. By examining its usage of expose on family dysfunction, strong language and portrayal of gang violence, it is clear why some would have it banned.
Banning a book on the basis of profanity is merely a superficial reason of those who wish to limit beliefs that do not coincide with their own. By excluding a novel from a high school curriculum in order to shelter students from profanity, is an attempt to do the impossible. Profanity is found everywhere. According to TV Guide, "Profanity is uttered once every six minutes on American primetime television...
'The novel has long ignited disapproval, and it was the most frequently banned book in schools between 1966 and 1975. Even before that time,
There are many reasons that violence is one of the reasons that the book has been banned. “He determined to strand me outside district 12 until he can apprehend to arrest me? Drag me to the square to be locked in a stockade or whipped or hanged?” (Collins 151). This isn’t really a strong bloody gory violence that would cause a student to get sick in class it’s a basic violence that you would see in any other book that involves killing and fighting. And by exposing this type of violence to children it will raise their maturity level and have the children comprehend that there is violence around them in the world and they’re going to have to learn to deal with it. 56% of the book is challenged by parents and only 13% by libraries. This tells the reader that parents have a more difficult time with the book so you ask yourself is it more of the parents why they see the book? Or is it their child’s way they see the book? both child and parents are going to see the book differently so children may like the violence in the book but the parents may say th...
Censorship is defined as the act of taking out unacceptable parts from books, movies, and other content available to the public eye. In Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, censorship takes over a major part of the citizen’s lives. In the modernistic era, the story is based upon a lot of television and is censored to the important and educational content we have in the present, such as; books, which open doors to infinite amounts of knowledge.
Countries worldwide actively call for the banning of books that are found to be politically inconvenient, religiously awkward, or embarrassing in one form or another. But for writers like Russia's Vasily Grossman, a book's ban means far more than just a dip in sales. In 1961, he pleaded with the Soviet censors, "I am physically free, but the book to which I have dedicated my life is in jail." (Merkelson). A book represents an idea, thus limiting access to a book is banning the representation of an idea. The banning of books in American schools should not be allowed, because banning books will prevent students from learning the reason for the controversy and alternate viewpoints they can come to on their own.
There has been censorship since the times of the early Catholic Church with it dictating what you could and could not do. The people of the United States have looked back upon what was being done, and have expressed that it was wrong for the church to such a thing. However, the leaders of today seem to be hypocritical in the subject. They say that it was bad once, but today it is okay. Censorship is most prominent in books today, and the most common to be thrown out are the ones that have obscene language and sexual references. There are many examples of this; however, the few that are best known are: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The banning of books, such as these, blocks the meanings that these mature and experienced authors are putting forth to the world.
Recently censorship has become a major problem in our society. Censorship should not be banned on books. People should not be told they cannot read a book. Unfortunately history has shown that words can be used for ill as well as for good, to destroy lives as well as to enhance them? (Steffens, 9) Words and reading them gives us a better understanding of other peoples views. Censorship should not be placed on books.
In the book Fahrenheit 451, books are strictly outlawed, and if someone is found owning a book, the house of the owner is to be burned down. This form of condemnation of the society is an extreme version of censorship. Censorship is defined as “the changing or the suppression or prohibition of speech or writing that is deemed subversive of the common good.” (Anastaplo) Recently, this concept has taken on a large role in many school systems across the country. School boards have been banning a number of books from their criteria in order to prevent offensive material from reaching their students. However, the good intentions of these teachers may be having the opposite effect that they were hoping for. In his book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury demonstrates the adverse effects that censorship can have on a society. Censorship, when not used correctly, can retain a quantity of negative effects on high school students.
The most debatable and controversial form of censorship today is the banning of books in school libraries. Banning books that educate students is wrong and selfish. Censorship of books in school libraries is neither uncommon nor an issue of the past. Books with artistic and cultural worth are still challenged constantly by those who want to control what others read. The roots of bigotry and illiteracy that fuel efforts to censor books and free expression are unacceptable and unconditional. Censoring school books in libraries can often lead to censorship of our basic freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment. In some cases, a minority ends up dictating the majority in censorship cases. To be told what is permissible reading material and what is not is a direct violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Brinkley describes a few actions that can lead to the censoring of a book in a school or school system: An expression of concern is simply a question about the material with overtones of disapproval; an oral complaint is an oral challenge to the contents of a work; a written complaint is a formal written challenge to the school about the contents of a work; and a public attack is a public statement challenging the contents of a work that is made outside of the school, usually to the media to gain support for further action (1999). Brinkley also points out an important difference between selection and censorship: Selection is the act of carefully choosing works for an English course that will be age-appropriate, meaningful, and fulfill objectives, while censorship is the act of excluding works that some con...