The Pyramid Research Paper

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A pyramid is a monument with a square bottom that rises to a triangular point. Pyramids are the three structures on the Giza plateau that sit alone at the edge of the Sahara Desert. There are also over seventy pyramids in Egypt extending down the Nile River Valley which were the centers of great temple complexes. Pyramids are also found south of Egypt in the Nubian kingdom of Meroe, in the cities of the Maya throughout Central and South America, and, in dissimilarity on the form, in China.
The pyramid was a royal tomb and a well thought-out place of ascent for the spirit of the departed pharaoh from point at the top of the pyramid. The Egyptians thought the soul would pass through to the next world of the Field of Reeds but could return to earth if chose to do so. The …show more content…

A bridge ran to a lower sanctuary near the Nile floodplain that played a part as way in to the sanctuary. There were also three insignificant pyramids around the Great Pyramid of Khufu for his queens, pits for funerary boats and various mastaba tombs for the royal family and bureaucrats.
Sadly, pyramids became noticeable targets for tomb robbers. The Giza Pyramids were robbed long ago of bodies and anything in the tomb with them, in spite of the almost exceptional attempts of the Egyptians to guard the remains of their kings.
The pyramids characterize ancient Egypt, nonetheless the biggest were created during a brief period of time early on in a society that was to last almost three millennia. The first large Egyptian pyramid was the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, built during the third dynasty of the Old Kingdom to protect the body of the king Djoser who died around 2649 BCE. It was this feat that heralded the short but remarkable age of the gigantic stone pyramids of ancient

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