Egyptian Pyramids Architecture

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CONTENTS: - INTRODUCTION - BACKGROUND OF ANCIENT EGYPT & PYRAMIDS - THE STEP PYRAMID of Pharaoh Djoser - THE GREAT PYRAMID of Pharaoh Khufu - CONCLUSION - BIBLIOGRAPHY & FOOTNOTES This essay focuses on two different types of pyramids; the Step pyramid which was the first pyramid and the Great pyramid, which was the largest pyramid built in Egypt. The essay investigates the meaning of the selected forms for the Egyptian culture and explains their dialog with the cosmos. The architecture of ancient Egypt is one of the most important civilizations in history, which developed of different structures and great architectural monuments along the River Nile. The Egypt pyramids were constructed for the pharaoh, as a tomb. Their belief was that the top point of the pyramid was the gate for the soul to travel to the afterlife and return to earth if chosen. These tombs were built which line up with planets and certain stars. One of the greatest cultural successes of Ancient Egypt was certainly in their architecture related with religion. Fumeaux mention, "Temples, tombs and pyramids - all have witnessed this earth for thousands of years. What better than to say that these architectural achievements show us that Egypt's greatest virtue lay in its architecture"[1] "The Egyptian sun god Ra, considered the father of all pharaohs, was said to have created himself from a pyramid-shaped mound of earth before creating all other gods. The pyramid’s shape is thought to have symbolized the sun’s rays" (Donald B. Redford, Ph.D., Penn State).[2] THE STEP PYRAMID The first prototype tomb was the Mastaba in Egypt. It is an underground monument structure usually made of mud bricks. This building served as a tomb for the im... ... middle of paper ... ...ns, Canada, 1998. - Uvarov, V, The pyramids, Resonance BookWorks Publishers, Russia, 2007. - Kostof, S, A History of Architecture:settings and rituals, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press Ink. Publishers, New York, 1995. FOOTNOTES - [1] Fumeaux, R.J, Western Architecture, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1969. - [2] Redford, Donald B, Ph.D.; McCauley, M, "How were the Egyptian pyramids built?", Research The Pennsylvania State University, Retrieved 11 December 2012. - [3] ARNOLD, D, Building in Egypt, Pharaoic Stone Masonry, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 159-160. - [4] Bauval, R & Gilbert, A, The Orion Mystery, Heinemann, 1994. - [5] Ritter, M, The Great Pyramid of Khufu, Retrieved April 12, 2005, "The Great Pyramid of the largest pyramid in Egypt and was the tallest man-made structure in the World until 1888."

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