The Pros And Cons Of The Round Table

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The knights of the Round Table were all very loyal, but some of them could not uphold the Code of Chivalry. The Round Table was formed by Merlin, the good enchanter, when Arthur was crowned king. It was to be the place where all of Arthur’s knights would meet. Merlin made the table round so that no knight could complain that he is set at the lowest end, or that someone else is above him. At the knights first meeting at the Round Table, Merlin had some quests prepared for them. Each of the knights on the quests had failed. Therefore Merlin made some rules based on the shortcomings of the knights. He named these rules the Code of Chivalry. There were six of them; do not murder, do not be dishonest or commit treason, give mercy to those that ask …show more content…

The next year came quickly for Gawain, and when it did come Gawain set out a few days early to find the Green Knight. He searched long and hard for the green chapel, where the Green Knight lived, but he could not find it. He did, however, come upon a castle with a kind lord, who told Gawain he knew where the Green Knight lived and would help him get there when he needed to. Until then, the kind lord offered to let Gawain stay in his castle. Everyday, the lord went hunting so Gawain and the lord made a deal. The lord would give Gawain all the game he killed that day if Gawain would give him whatever he was given within the castle. On the first day when the lord was out hunting, the lady of the castle, the lord’s wife, gave Gawain a kiss. Therefore, that night when the lord came home Gawain gave him a kiss on the cheek. He did not have to tell the lord where the kiss came from because that was not a part of the deal. The same thing happened on the second day. On the third day, however, in addition to a kiss,

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