The Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust

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After World War II, Germany was left in shambles and was facing a depression. During this time, Hitler came to power through helping get the economy back on track and because of this positive aspect, the public supported him and his regime. However, this time of prosperity and increase in well being of the people was cut short when the Holocaust began. The Holocaust was an extremely tragic event that occurred between 1933 and 1945. During this time, the German leader, Hitler, decided to exterminate Jews and non Aryans. Aryans were what he considered to be the superior race although Hitler himself was not an Aryan. These people that he considered to be Aryan had blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler had very biased and strong beliefs and fought for them whether they were wrong or not. Then, there was The Wave which was a classroom experiment gone wrong that was created by a teacher who was trying to give his students an idea of what the Holocaust was like. In this experiment, the teacher, Mr. Ross, used militaristic styles and methods of teaching like making the students stand up to speak and speak formally and shortly similar to that of a drill sergeant and much like the methods that were used in the Holocaust. All the followers looked up to Mr. Ross as Nazis did to Hitler. The Wave was initiated when Ben Ross showed the students a video about the Holocaust and was inspired by their questions and wonders to help give them a better understanding of what the Holocaust was really like. He decided to begin an experiment that included creating a group name of “The Wave” and chants and salutes to go along with it. At first, the experiment seemed to be like a game and the students went along with it because it was something new and interestin... ... middle of paper ... ...not have to go back to that life. When the Holocaust ended, Hitler killed himself rather than reforming or surrendering. The Nazi ideology was like The Wave Ideology in a few aspects. Supporters of both were superior and united. The Nazi and Wave ideology was different in the aspect that everyone should be equal as wave members and that anyone could join. Nazis ideology was that one race was superior to all others and that Jews were bad. The Wave and Nazi Leaders, Ben Ross, Robert and Hitler, were similar because followers looked up to them and followed them blindly. They also used militaristic methods of control and governing. Overall, the Holocaust and The Wave were events that occurred because of easily influenced followers who were blinded by the evil of what was happening or were too scared or unsure to stand up for what was right for fear of getting hurt.

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