The Pros And Cons Of Slavery

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There are many arguments for slavery and each one has some good points and each one has their shortcomings. First is the other is the other defenses of slavery and the good points they make but also their downfalls. Then the best defense for slavery and why it is. The first defense is religious there are a lot of arguments for slavery especially in the Bible it talks about owning slaves in the Bible where it tells masters to treat your slaves right, and it tells slaves to listen and work for your master. It talks about the rules for own slaves and how to treat slaves. There are also people in the Bible who owned slaves. Southerners would argue "if God ordained slavery in the Old Testament- and even explained how to deal with sex between slave …show more content…

In fact, there were some Northerners who wanted slavery to stay in the south and not spread west because they wanted to keep the west pure of blacks and now have to worry about them. Samuel A. Cartwright talks about all the differences between whites and blacks anatomy he talks about how we are different and that blacks are not natural and so don't have the same rights. "Our Declaration of Independence, which was drawn up at a time when Negroes were scarcely considered as human beings, "that all men are by nature and equal," and only intended to white men, is often quoted in support of false dogma that all mankind the same mental, physiological and anatomical organization…" This argument is hard because it is based on racism and so all of the scientific findings are wrong and hard to hold any ground. "Ironically, the opponents of slavery had few scientific arguments of their own, and thus in convincing outsides, the scientific arguments may have been the strongest in the South's intellectual arsenal. But many of the most prominent Southerners refused to use these arguments because they were in conflict with Scripture." (p.

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