The Pros And Cons Of Robotic Surgery

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The focus of robotic surgery can be very debatable for many people in this environmental community. A brief introduction is given to the definitions and history of surgical robotics. The capabilities and merits of surgical robots are then contrasted with the related field of computer assisted surgery. A classification is then given of the various types of robot system currently being investigated internationally, together with a number of examples of different applications in both soft-tissue and orthopedic surgery. The paper finishes with a discussion of the main difficulties facing robotic surgery and a prediction of future progress. The moral and ethical implications with robotic surgery, we will look at the accountability that is taken …show more content…

There are many different types of surgeries that robotics can be used with. Depending on the type of surgery, of course will help aid the patient and doctor in determining if robotic surgery is the best path for the patient. Robotic surgery is not the right or best choice for every situation. In the case of someone who is obese or has had other surgeries in the past and has some scar tissue built up it is a consideration that needs to be regarded very carefully. The minimal incisions that are ideal may not be as possible in this situation. Therefore, the choice to have a robotic surgery may actually best procedure. The excess tissue can be “in the way” more so in this circumstance, which makes the procedure even more difficult for the operating physician (Raynor, Pruthi …show more content…

Have you ever had your hands fall asleep and try to touch something? You know you are touching that object. You can literally see yourself touching that object, but you cannot feel that object that you are touching. This is one the inferences that has been brought up with robotic surgeries. The surgeon is able to see everything they are working on, but they are not able to physically feel that part of the body that the surgery is being performed on. Is this a hazard of the procedure? Does it help the surgeon? Is it possible to control the correct pressure or angle needed when performing the surgery if the surgeon is not able to feel what pressure they are actually applying to the patient? The loss of tactile sensation is a very important factor to be considered when contemplating a robotic surgery. Again the decision will have to be made by the patient and the doctor together. In saying all of this, the patient should be aware of what the implications are and what the consequences could be with any procedure. The type of surgery and the patient will be a part in that deciding factor also (Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins 2004). Like mentioned above, if a patient is heavier, it is likely a more complex surgery for the surgeon. When having to move more around while completing the procedure, the physician might need to be able to feel more of the areas being worked on. Think of the game Operation we used to play as kids. If you were

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