The Pros And Cons Of Parenting

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For decades, and possibly until the end of time, parenting has been a subject that people have very differing opinions on. Most people would agree that parenting is definitely a “job,” and a challenging one at that.” But what is our job as Parents? What makes the perfect parent? Is it laying down the law? Is setting high standards? Perhaps it is simply providing unconditional love and support? Parenting is not a single action, but a combination of style, approach, and behaviors. There are four different parenting styles: authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting, permissive parenting and uninvolved parenting. Yes, the stakes are high: Raise confident, competent, independent children to be productive, happy adults who are able to think and speak for themselves, is the challenge of all parents, regardless of parenting style. Authoritative parents want their kids to make decisions for themselves. They believe effective discipline means simultaneously setting firm limits while treating their children with respect and dignity. An authoritative parent will offer support and lend an ear to encourage positive decision making trying to respectfully guide their children toward working on their own solution. They believe children should have opinions on the rules and they want their children’s input. They attempt to handle disagreements fairly, and respectfully. Authoritative parents know that they are in control, and tend to have the respect of their children, because though they are in charge they are not dictatorial. They are not afraid to have their ideas or ideals challenged no do they find it necessary to become overbearing just to prove a point or take challenges as personal attacks on their authority. Authoritative parents t... ... middle of paper ... ...hly damaging way to raise kids. The dispute over how strict or lenient parents should be is never-ending. But one think most people would agree on: Parenting is a hard job. While there is really no set job description, the “job” of parenting is a hard one and the responsibilities are vast. A parent should: Reveal self-worth to their children. Model and teach responsibility. Allow failures. Teach their kids to make and keep themselves as safe, healthy and happy as possible. Being a parent doesn’t mean having to be overbearing control freaks, it means having the backbone to make decisions in the best interest of the whole family, even if that choice is an unpopular one. Your children do not have to love you every minute. In fact you are probably not doing your job if they do. Parents are not the only influence on their kids, but they should be the best influence.

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