Attending a secondary school can be a real hassle. Whether you do not have the financial aid for it or if it’s just not right for you. Scholarships are one of the best methods to meet the expense of college. When you think of scholarships the natural response is a lot of work, but truthfully anyone is qualified to achieve a scholarship. Whether your part of the lower class or the upper class, there are scholarships. What tends to be unfair is that every state has a favor in one of these two choices; for example some states favor more merit based scholarships and some states prefer need based scholarships. With these preferences students aren’t able to get the financial aid of their choice. By examining both of these options, need based scholarships provide a fair unbiased look at the student’s true academic potential. This is significant because without having a more accurate method determining which category a student falls under, some students will not get the financial aid they need for college therefore be forced to not attend a secondary schooling. For most people scholarships can be the only way one gets into a secondary school, but without being somewhat of a genius the task seems impossible. Scholarships are broken down into two categories; need based and merit based. Need based scholarships are just how it is written for those in need, while merit based are for those who succeed academically, artistically, athletically, and the list goes on. Just because students aren’t able to have all of those characteristics doesn’t mean they are not worthy of a scholarship. Every student tries hard in their own way, some may show more than others but some students face greater challenges. It all depends on the individual. Need-based ... ... middle of paper ... ...sed scholarships I have come to the conclusion that need based scholarship help students more by providing a fair system. With the attending college rate being so low you would think somebody would have changed the system by now, but students are still struggling out there. Every student should have the opportunity to go attend a higher education. Whether it’s an elite university or your local tech school; all students should have their choice and not let money decide. With the help of a need based program students will not have to worry anymore with their financial status, and students will finally be able to relax knowing their life is 100% better. So why deprive students from success when we just have to fix one minor glitch in the system. Don’t let children pay for someone else’s mistake and let them live their life knowing that one day they will be successful.
Upon the completion of my high school career I was faced with the sudden realization that I was growing up and on the verge of becoming independent. A few months prior, I had applied to Montana State and received my acceptance letter. The future was before me and my ambitions were truly limitless. That is, until the fact set in that I was going to have to pay for this education that I desired. I knew that with my busy schedule, I would be unable to make enough money while only working a few hours here and there. I was beginning to lose sight of hope. Then one day I talked to my counsellor about what I could do and he pointed me towards dozens of scholarships that I could apply for. The exigence or purpose
In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in student enrollment in higher education after high school effecting the need for financial aid for all students. Education has become a growing part in America where more students want to better their lives with a college education. However, the cost of college tuition has increased and more students find themselves struggling to pay off the enormous tuition rates. In a recent study by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, student debt has reached $1 trillion in federal loan debt. Student loan debt has crippled the economy and students are struggling to pay off federal loans. In order to help students with the high tuition rates of college the government and universities offer
Scholarship has been a major part of my life since elementary school. Although I was never put any pressure at home to get good grades, it has always been a goal of mine. In school, I maintain a positive attitude about the work I receive. My overall average has been a 95 or above every quarter since 6th grade. I’ve maintained my positivity, work ethic, and motivation throughout middle school. From my experiences, I feel that I should be considered for NJHS.
Scholarship is academic study or achievement; learning at a high level. For as long as I can remember I have had A’s and B’s in all of my classes. I have been in the proficient class since I was in 6th
According to Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities “Many of America's top-performing high school students never apply to the most challenging colleges and universities even though they have the ability to succeed at them. They often come from minority and low-income households and end up pursuing more affordable, less-selective schools instead.” College can be a burden to many students in a variety of different ways, but the most common reason is due to funds. Making college free for students will help this problem by increasing jobs in the work industry that require degrees, they should be affordable to all people at all cost, as well as the funds should be completely cut off because it would increase jobs and help America's economy grow.
Since scholarships are proposed and established by individuals or organizations, each has specific requirements that must be fulfilled. Your search for scholarships must be based on certain factors like your strengths and career. Scholarships can be classified depending on need, location, career and merit. Some of the most popular scholarship programs are as follows:
The idea of freedom and equal opportunity that America was built on has sadly been lost and replaced with a system of quality education only being accessible by the wealthy. In-state college tuition should be free for all students meeting admission requirements, allowing students from the full spectrum of economic backgrounds to have the same opportunity to receive the same education. The incidence of poverty in the U.S. is directly linked to educational level. When a college degree is earned, income levels rise (College Board). The best use of federal government anti-poverty funds is not another welfare or assistance program; it is to make college education affordable for everyone.
Learning institutions should also not use race as a basis of preference at the expense of socioeconomic preferences. They should also not use race-based scholarships rather use need based ones. This will lead to more honest policies and enquiries.
For this reason it is essential to eliminate funding inequalities all students deserve a high quality education especially in the low-income areas. Providing more money to these areas can reduce crime and gang activity, lower the teen birth rate, restore self-confidence, provide these students and opportunity to attend college, also break the cycle of poverty. The President “Race to the Top Program” is a start but more need to be done from the local and state level.
Pell grants. And much of that money would provide a free education to students whose families can already afford it.” It doesn 't make sense to give students that can afford college free college, if the government wants to help low income students increasing the amount of financial aid that is given out each year would be the best thing to do “At age nineteen, only around 20 percent of children from the poorest 2 percent of families in the country attend college. For the richest 2 percent of families, the same number is around 90 percent”(Bruenig). With Free college low income students would have a bigger disadvantage because At public colleges, students from the poorest fourth of the population currently pay no net tuition at either two-year
According to studets say they don’t have the money to pay for the costs of going to college, or they do not know what to do with their lives and these types of reasons hinder them in going to college, and most argue that the loans are expensive and delays graduates from saving for retirement. Many also believe that their grades also keeps them from going on to college, and most say that college is a waste of money and time and others say, “College as a stand alone product is just about worthless”, but there these type of options: local, federal, Merit, and corporate options. It is these common reasons that decide for people on whether or not they should go to college, but there is ways that can help those get to college. There are scholarships that will aid with monetary problems as well as financial aid, this money comes from the government and does not have to be paid back so there isn’t any worries about paying student loans that take a long time to pay back. In order to get scholarships and grants your grades do matter. Scholarships may require a certain grade point average, or a certain score on certain college admissions tests such as the ACT or
It is important, especially in a very diverse country like the United States for people to be able to communicate and understand each other. Tressie Mcmillan’s “Why College is Necessary” states, “College is the domain of the relatively privileged, and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future, even if tuition is eliminated” (115). It can be perceived that by having both wealthy and people who are not as wealthy going to college together, could help people understand compassion and therefore the wealthy could better comprehend the issues that people not as fortunate as they, face. Even though education is seen as only for those that can afford it, if it were made free there would be more diversity. Tressie Mcmillan’s comment is significant because it states something that a lot of people can understand no matter what side they are on when it comes to free college. With higher education comes the knowledge about what really happened in history, this can help people better understand where others come from when they feel differently. In the Michael Moore film, when students had their free tuition threatened, they came together with others from different cultures to help fight what they believed in. Having something as small as free tuition could also inspire students in the United States to come together instead of
In the past decade, many college students have fallen into poverty. There’s a lot of issues that go beyond this topic, many people wouldn’t think College students could end up in poverty. Because, either those college students get scholarships or financial aid but, none of those could support a college student. I believe that there could be a more possible way for a college student to survive the college life and earn the degree they desire.
I do understand that a lot of people cannot afford it and need those scholarships, but I have always had a hard time with that since my family has a lot of other expenses and could use the money to help pay for college. I feel really guilty typing that, but I also get really frustrated that I am not eligible for any scholarships due to how I identify. Continuing on, identifying with the class I do, I do strive to work as hard as I can so that I can continue to have access to many resources.
Fees and loans are too big of a load for young people to carry. A lot of students drop out do to the pressure of having to worry about all the loans they have to pay back after they are done with college. This should not be an issue to the student. According Iatham Emmmons, “Even worse, a large portion of students never receive funding at all due to the multitude of stipulations that must be adhered to in order to qualify for assistance. A major flaw in the current federal educational assistance programs is that the students’ parents’ income is used to calculate financial need” (Emmons 3). Even citizens who try to get help by applying for funding never end up getting it because they do not meet the needs required for the funding. Education should be p...