Pell grants. And much of that money would provide a free education to students whose families can already afford it.” It doesn 't make sense to give students that can afford college free college, if the government wants to help low income students increasing the amount of financial aid that is given out each year would be the best thing to do “At age nineteen, only around 20 percent of children from the poorest 2 percent of families in the country attend college. For the richest 2 percent of families, the same number is around 90 percent”(Bruenig). With Free college low income students would have a bigger disadvantage because At public colleges, students from the poorest fourth of the population currently pay no net tuition at either two-year …show more content…
Second, free community college could lead students to “undermatch,” which would lower their odds of completing a degree. Third, Washington cannot regulate community colleges to success. Fourth, the combination of tuition caps and direct public funding could actually lead to rationing. Finally, grant and scholarship aid to cover the cost of tuition and leave $3,100 to cover other expenses (the average independent student received enough grant aid to cover …show more content…
Most students that try to get a bachelor 's degree will not achieve their goal in four years, most students will take between five and six years to get a bachelor 's degree. Not everyone is qualified for college therefor they should not attend college for free. Andrew Eichen states “Free tuition would encourage many more students to attend college, irrespective of their aspirations or interests.” Free college will also lead to the overcrowding of public universities “paying students, who are deeply invested in their studies, may be placed into overcrowded classes or worse, get locked out of them. Whatever the result, free tuition would lead to limited capacity at public universities, and in turn, lower-quality public education” (Goldrick-Rab and Kelly). Free college would lead to a potentially overeducated and under-qualified workforce. If everyone gets a college degree the value of it would decrease and the demand for jobs that require a degree would be to high and in the end the workforce would be unbalanced therefore people with college degrees wound still have to work minimum wage paying jobs. More student will go to college and in the end more students will proceed to get a doctorate degree which they will have to pay for anyway. Not everyone is capable of going to college therefore they shouldn 't go to college if
While most people want college to be free, the U.S. should not make tuition free for all citizens. There are a number of reasons like taxing families who already have it hard, quality in education, rationing, and if people see that they do not have to pay it may lower the value in which they won 't take school seriously. Tuition free college is impossible because at the end of the day someone will have to pay for all those students attending. For example, “In college I was invested, I was paying,” The former student said, “Once it entails a cost, it’s not easy to just say, Oh, let’s not go to class today. You’re just hurting yourself” (qtd, in Make College Affordable, but Not Free). Student who barely made it
Because of this, graduation numbers might drop, or the people who do graduate may not be as well prepared for the workforce. Yes, there are still entry requirements that limit the amount of students allowed into the school, but much of the drive for the students comes from the fact that they are paying a lot of money to be there. Also, giving away college education would almost certainly do the opposite of what people want it to do, which is give more money to students from richer families than from poorer ones. It isn’t that they want to necessarily take money from the richer families, but they want to give poorer families more opportunities to get money. “Without a dramatic overhaul of how we understand student benefits, making college more or entirely free would most likely boost the wealth of college attendees without securing any important egalitarian gains.”
“The data suggest that removing the Pell Grant from less-prepared students will not compel many of them to forgo college. Instead, they will enroll, and without grant aid, they will take on debt, even more than they already had to” (Goldrick, 3). This will make a serious impact on the economy because students who didn’t perform academically well in high school will have a tougher time paying of the mass debt at the while they attend
In our American society it is the role of the president to devise plans that will benefit our society as a whole. He might suggest that he has this plan to solve global warming our maybe he has concerns with the way a certain policy should be. Like presidents of the past president Obama has concerns and changes of his own he would like to put into place. Community colleges offer a wide range of degrees for cutting edge technical careers in today 's industries that help bridge opportunities to higher economic class. President Obama hopes to put into action policy that would make community college free to productive members of our American society this is an issue that merits a careful evaluation at both sides of the argument.
According to Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities “Many of America's top-performing high school students never apply to the most challenging colleges and universities even though they have the ability to succeed at them. They often come from minority and low-income households and end up pursuing more affordable, less-selective schools instead.” College can be a burden to many students in a variety of different ways, but the most common reason is due to funds. Making college free for students will help this problem by increasing jobs in the work industry that require degrees, they should be affordable to all people at all cost, as well as the funds should be completely cut off because it would increase jobs and help America's economy grow.
As Bernie Sanders, a presidential candidate for the 2016 presidential elections, claims he can make college free, the subject of tuition for secondary schooling has become a “hot” topic. The New York Times, on January 20th, released a “Room for Debate” titled “Should College be Free?” where many journalists such as Andrew P. Kelly and Sara Goldrick-Rab voiced their opinions on college tuition. “Just one-third of students from the bottom income quartile, who started at a community college in 2003 finished with a degree or certificate by 2009,” wrote Kelly, showing that the poorer find it hard to finish college with a degree. He believed that indigent students would likely not graduate with a degree due to college cost and because they are not motivated enough to get through six years of college. Although it is unpractical to create an educational system where college is absolutely free, creating organizations dedicated to encouraging the needy to get through
The free community college idea sounds appealing, but more time and government money should be spent on making university tuitions lower because the community colleges are already less expensive and give support to those who are not financially stable.
"Parents with incomes below $40,000 were much more likely to say they couldn 't afford college compared to those with higher incomes. The unsettling aspect of this poll is that in all likelihood, these parents ' perceptions mirror reality," says Tamara Draut, author of "Strapped”. She talks about how most middle class families can 't afford to put their children into college. The highest education they can get is a high school diploma, which we all know in this modern world it cant get you a lucrative job to maintain your whole life. Most American don 't get the chance to develop their full capabilities through higher schooling due to lack of resources like funds to enable them see their full potential. People will say that education is meant for people who can afford to go. And already the government has made schooling from pre-k to high school free for all public school, so making community colleges free will cost the state about 60 billion dollars as said by the white house spokesman Eric Schultz . Education must not be limited to only privilege people,it should be universal for anybody willing to educate themselves to make their life better and help grow Americas economy reducing
There is no doubt that college is expensive, price tags for some universities go over a quarter of a million for just a bachelors degree! (That’s if you graduate in four too). The extravagant price for college is no doubt crazy. Trying to better yourself and your future shouldn’t cost $250,000 plus. If public universities were to be free a plethora of problems could be solved instantly. According to Forbes the National student loan debt has surpassed 1.2 trillion dollars (Denhart )! This number is growing exponentially as more students enroll in to college. Why question then whether college should be free? Well, this number is the total amount of student loan debt from all students that have exited college. Some of these students are freshly graduated while some are aged with the wisdom trying to pay their loans back. If public universities were to be free and funded by our federal government, our government would pay this amount within ten years. Relatively a short amount of time considering that the student loan debt is an accumulation debt from students that have graduated more than ten year ago, also this also greatly increase with the following years as well.
Student then wouldn’t have to stress about working at the same time just to pay tuition fees. Students today over work, using the rest of their money to get energy drinks keep going from doing homework and attending college courses daily. According to the New York Times Article “College for the Masses”, studies have claimed, “Enrolling more students in community colleges may well make economic sense. So, in all likelihood, would create more and better vocational training, for well-paid jobs like medical technician and electrician, which don’t require a bachelor’s degree.” This makes students pushed harder to focus on any college that will be offer free. Thus, it wouldn’t take them longer than the average 4 years, due to them working full time as well as schooling. With fees out the way parents don’t have to worry about not making enough savings for their child to be able to attend for college. Students would be more focused on any subject in school as they strive for their
Free higher education will help education live up to the reputation of leveling the playing field and providing opportunity to move up in society. It is something that will reward hard working kids with no debt and set them up for the future. It will allow students to focus on their school work and will eliminate the need to have to work to pay for school. This will help their success rate and help people graduate on schedule. Free education will also stop the student loan crisis that has now surpassed credit card debt. Free education is something that is very important for our people individually and as a whole. Our country will end up as a smarter, more powerful society. It is up to us as a country to take responsibility and look out for our country. We need to keep up with the country’s that are passing us in education and build a brighter
In conclusion, in order to keep this country functioning in proper way, community colleges in America should not be free. For starters, not everyone can have the privilege to receive a college education for the soul reason of scarcity. Next, free community college will affect our economy in means of higher taxes, and an increased national debt. Finally, junior colleges will plummet in terms of value. The cost of higher education is without a
What if one day the tuition of your community college was to become free? If you couldn 't afford college would you go? That’s exactly what President Obama is trying to propose in his State of The Union speech on January 20th 2015. In his words he claims “to lower the cost of community college, to zero”. I am a community college student freshman at Frederick Community College. Being a community college student I value my education and feel if this new proposal is to be put in place there will be people who don’t want to be there just like high school. Community college is something that runs in my family as my two cousins have attended a junior college in the past. I am in my first year at community college and can say that it is a lot different from high school as far as the expectations and work load. There are essentially some problems with this new proposal. Once I heard that President Obama
Calling a college education “free” is a contradiction because nothing in life is truly free. Someone will be responsible for paying for this education, even if it is not the person receiving it. To support this flood of hopeful college students, the American Government will have to heavily tax the working and upper classes. Taxes will have to be inflated to compensate for the price of college, and in some cases, may become outrageously high. If the upper class becomes constantly taxed, what keeps them from dropping down a class? What keeps the middle class from becoming the lower class? In an extreme situation, if the middle and upper classes were constantly taxed, there risks a problem of creating a bigger class divide. Maybe the plan to pay for college education starts out with only the rich being taxed. In America, there are roughly 324 million people. This number increases every eight seconds, so there is a constant increase of citizens. Imagine if half of that number decides to go to college. College education is free for them, but their tuition is paid for by the upper class. Now, average college tuition runs for about $9,410 for State Universities, and around $32,405 for out of state students. This amount of money, per student, is paid for by the upper class’s taxes. Taxes are raised higher and higher to pay for all these students until they cannot be raised any further. The upper
Looking on the positive side, college students will no longer be thousands of dollars in debt. They will have a higher quality of life by having more money to spend on themselves. This money would also go back into the economy, as their overall spending would increase. While all students would be saving money, free higher education would actually be more beneficial to wealthy families. According to “The Case Against Free College,” there is a positive correlation between the income of parents and the likelihood to attend college. Rich students would be receiving more money than the poor (Bruenig). The families that are sending their students to college can already afford to do so. Meanwhile, the smaller populations of poorer students that decide to attend college already receive enough financial aid and government subsidies to cover the cost. People that obtain a Bachelor’s degree earn more money and therefore are able to pay off their student loans. We don’t need to provide free education to families that can already afford it. Another effect on students is that students will take longer to graduate. Having to pay for your own education is a huge motivator to aim for success in school, as most of us don’t want our money to go to waste. Without that motivation, students’ efforts will significantly decrease. At public universities around 60% of students take