The Pros And Cons Of Natural Selection

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Evolution is described, as being the change that occurs on a genetic level when a new generation spouts from an ancestral population. Change is destined to happen. That is why in the science of biology the word evolution means descent with modification. Through various factors such as the temperature of the environment, humidity, and altitude a species will adapt to survive and will eventually pass on genetic traits that help the species next generation survive. In 1859, Charles Darwin, a geologist published ‘The Origin of species.’ This book was published in a society where the idea of a descent with change or evolution was not a controversial topic. Darwin used the data from his experiments on nature to convince everybody that his theory of Natural selection was correct. Darwin describes natural selection as “a description of what happens when variations occur in a population where resources are limited. The individual animal or plant that has certain change in its genetic make-up will survive natural (4)” For example, in a population where more individuals are born into a harsh environment that can’t sustain them all, those individuals that have expedient variations within their DNA will have a higher chance of surviving. This is called natural selection. When
The law of thermodynamics states that within an expected natural thermodynamic process there will always be increases in the entropies of the interacting systems. The law also states that the entropy of a system which is isolated without equilibrium will increase over time. Evolution causes a decrease in entropy. This means that evolution violates the law of thermodynamics. After reading chapter one, my views changed. The second law of thermodynamics referring to an isolated system and living organisms such as plants and animals are considered opened systems because they interchange energy with the

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