The Pros And Cons Of Internet Filtering

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" Did you know that the government could easily just look through your phone? Well, they can! In my opinion this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation.”Texting Suicide Verdict” and “How Internet Filtering is Hurting Kids” are two articles that very well discuss this topic. Also in the seven principles, limited government talks about this situation. For example, in the seven principles, limited government says that the government does not have all the power. This means that the government should not have extreme power. The reason for this is because then people would start calling it a tyranny. A tyranny is when a nation under cruel and oppressive government.If this happened this could cause a war which would not be good. For this reason the people need to have consent to give its government authority at most times especially if it involves us. The article; “Texting Suicide Verdict” shows that there are times when it is OK for them to filter our social media. Cyber bullying has become a dangerous outcome due to social media and people who have revenge issues. According to this article the lawyers say that there isn’t really a …show more content…

“How internet filtering is hurting Kids” is an article that helps support this idea. In this article it says how in the past couple of years they have pivoted to a connectivity gap. This hurts them because it hurts schools that do not have high-speed internet connected. To try to fix this problem Obama, in 2013 launched connected initiative to try and connect 99% of schools to broadband internet. In despite of all of this, internet policies still continue to deprive children from being digital consumers. Therefore this is the topic that most students have a disadvantage in this.Which means when they try to apply for a job in the future and it has technology included they will not be able to

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