The Pros And Cons Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality, LGBT community, and gay marriage, are all terms that are commonly heard in the news today. Whether it is a protest, a pride march, or simply a marriage license, the members of these groups are making themselves heard. There are mainly two groups concerning this movement. There is the group in support, and the group against. The question asked, “Is homosexuality immoral?” Not only that question, but also the more complicated one of why? According to a poll taken earlier this year by Statista, 63% of Americans believe gay or lesbian relations to be morally acceptable. The main reasons why Americans believe this type of lifestyle is acceptable are equal rights and personal choice. Earlier this year the American Supreme Court ruled …show more content…

Homosexuality is unnatural. Romans 1:27 mentions man “leaving the natural” (one man and one woman) and therefore taking part in acts of immorality. When the world was created, God made a man and a woman. He later tells them that part of their job is to replenish the earth. A common argument to this statement is the question, “what if they were born that way?” This question is easily answered. When a baby is born, he is either a boy or she is a girl. There are no if’s, but’s or maybe’s. The homosexual lifestyle is a choice. Also, there is no scientific proof that shows how an individual might be born as a homosexual. There is, however, proof that homosexuality can be dangerous and even deadly. From depression to breast cancer to AIDS, the homosexual lifestyle brings sickness and suffering to the individual. Although roughly 3.3% of Americans are homosexual, over 50% of this small group is accountable for HIV infection. Homosexuality is harmful not only mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but it is also the cause of much disease and …show more content…

This argument brings out an extremely interesting and intriguing concept. The foundation of a building is crucial, and whether big or small, the building will not be able to stand without a firm foundation. Whenever the stones in the foundation are shifted, or even worst moved, the entire building or structure becomes increasingly unstable. Such effect had the recent ruling of the Supreme Court. From taking prayer and the Bible out of schools, to banishing the Ten Commandments from public places, to taking “under God” out of the pledge, to legalizing gay marriage, the foundations of the United States of America are being shifted and shaken viciously. A usual argument is one that refers to changing times and changing culture. There is truth in the fact that times change, but the basic principles that have kept the United States high on its foundation, are being brutally attacked. It is the Christian’s responsibility to make sure he fights for those values that have made America the blessed nation it has

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