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Ethical views on homosexuality
Homosexuality sociology
Homosexuality sociology
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Recommended: Ethical views on homosexuality
One of the most disputable issues among society is homosexuality. Is homosexuality a sin, a genetic virus that we should try to prevent, or just a personal choice people tend to make, a right to be differ from other? Or, just an unnatural genetic mistake that can and should be prevented in order not to blemish the whole human kind has it is known? One other factors that cannot be ignored is religions. Most religions claim homosexuality to be one of the most unforgivable sins, and cannot it to exist within society, but should religions have the right to entitle, pass judgement, and punish on to others? Why can’t people just let others live and love, even of their love somehow differs from conventional ones? Society has always seemed to find …show more content…
However, a couple years ago, the issue seemed to only be discussed by people in the social sciences. Psychologists, such as Sigmund Freud, studied homosexuals broadly and were coming up with specification for their "abnormal" behavior. All of the reasons that the people who were studied, created links to homosexuality was because of experiences that homosexual have happened to them while growing up. Typically speaking, psychology believed that a person 's surrounding could explain homosexuality. However, in the past eight or ten years, the subject of homosexuality has and is steadily making it into the world of biology. Studies have been done recently are coming up with a genetic explication for sexual predilection. The fact that many of the scientists taking part into researches of this sort are gays, Chandler Burr an American journalist, scientist of genetics, and biology as well, verbally expressed “which expounds a lot about the issue, that homosexual people are intrigued and curious about their “abnormal” nature themselves”. It may also serve as proof, that homosexuality is not the personal choice, and also saying about the moral competence of sexual minority people. The words "sexual orientation," which in the 1980s superseded "sexual predilection," declares the deeply rooted nature of sexual desire and love. It implicatively …show more content…
James Harrison, who was a scientist, doctor, and society, started coming up with the resolution that there are some ways of treating the abnormality. Scientists and doctors started to conduct various kinds of abhorrence and aggressive therapies. It was implied that doctors even tried to castrate, but in conclusion none of the experiments were seem to be able to transmute sexual orientation of the people involved. The report by Alfred Kinsey in 1948, in his book “Being Homosexual”, was commented by Richard Isay, verbalizing that Kinsey and his co-workers for many years tried to find patients who had been indoctrinated from homosexuality to heterosexuality during many therapies. Inadvertently for them none of the cases gave an expected result. With these words he acknowledged that the statement that medicine is not the answer, which in its turn supports that homosexuality is not a mental condition, but genitival feature as many other above mentioned facts claim. Later on Hooper and Bruno Klopfer were performing and confirming tests to determine who would be homosexual. They notionally theorized that they would be able to differentiate homosexuals from heterosexuals by denotes of the Rorschach test. But as it turned out none of the test they were designing could genuinely reach the needed effect. The heterosexuals and homosexuals were interchangeable, demonstrating an
The first possible cause of homosexuality is genetic factors. Homosexuality is a trait from birth (Buchanan, 2000). Studies found that identical twins share many common traits. A study found that identical twins normally share homosexual behavior if one of them is homosexual. This proved that genes are likely to cause homosexuality. In addition, according to (Santinover, 2002), homosexuality is a heritable behavior. Based on heritability studies, almost any human trait is heritable including the homosexual behavior. He stated that behavioral genes are found in specific chromosome. Thus, the behavior is obviously heritable. Moreover, Italian University of Padova (2004) believes that homosexual trait is passed from mother to male offspring by natural ...
According to biblical texts, in the beginning, God created the first man, Adam and made him a woman, Eve. He gave Adam a woman, not a man, so that the human race can maintain a man/woman relationship. For thousands of years homosexuality has been misconduct or in the church’s case, sin. We are continuously beset with this controversial topic and have since reached a point where homosexuality is more open and more accepted than ever. Now, gay men and women fight for the right to be legally married in the United States. In Christianity, marriage is a lifelong commitment under God and many Christians believe this is a “major sin.” However, no matter the relation of man and woman or man and man, Homosexuals should be allowed to have a lifelong
Homosexuality is defined as, “sexually attracted to people of the same sex” (Merriam-Webster) which according to history is not a new or recent sexual orientation. Archaeologist Kamila Remisova Vesinova provided physical evidence to this point when she discovered the remains of the first known homosexual dating back over 5,000 years ago (Adams, 2011) . Vesinova’s discovery shows that homosexuality
This was seen a major victory for gay rights in Canada, and championed by many activists. While this was not the end of the fight, many in the community saw this as the last great fight for rights, but it begged the questions who actually wanted these rights. Not everyone in the gay community wanted to be a part of the so-called “nuclear family” and criticized the idea that they should have to fit within traditional heterosexual norms in order to be considered legitimate (Warner 2002, 218). This leads to a bigger question about the exact nature of rights LGBT activists were fighting for throughout history, and how that affected how they fought.
Gay rights are a common topic in today 's news. All over the world people with these sexualities are having them taken away. The reason for all this is mostly due to the fact that people aren’t used to people having different sexualities. Children grow up very close-minded to the idea of people loving the same gender. If we can open the minds of the young then we can help stop this problem and help the poorly treated obtain the rights they deserve. The best way to do this, I believe, is starting with Children.
What controls a human's sexual orientation? The long-standing debate of nature versus nurture can be extended to explaining human sexual orientation. Is it biological or environmental? The biological explanation has been gaining popularity amongst the scientific community although it is only based on speculations. It is argued that sexual orientation is linked to factors that occur during sexual differentiation. The prenatal exposure to androgens and their affect on the development of the human brain play a pivotal role in sexual orientation (2). Heredity is also part of the debate. Does biology merely provide the slate of neural circuitry upon which sexual orientation is inscribed? Do biological factors directly wire the brain so that it will support a particular orientation? Or do biological factors influence sexual orientation only indirectly?
From the moment people born, there are certain basic functions that will be with them throughout their lives. The abilities to eat, breathe, sleep, or to have the capacity to learn are a natural occurrence for most people. There are, however, traits that are specific to each individual. They are traits that set them apart from everyone else. The traits such as eye color, ones dominate hand, or susceptibility to a specific disease are a few traits that aren’t easily changed. However, there are some that are controversially questioned as to whether or not one is born with the trait or if it is a learned behavior. One of the biggest of these controversies is the question of whether sexual orientation is a choice or something that is beyond the individual’s influence. Although the evidence is commonly disregarded because of personal beliefs or opinions, sexual orientation is not a choice.
Around the time Nazis were persecuting homosexuals, Freud seemed fairly sympathetic towards the homosexuals. He believes that we are all born attracted to men and women but as the result of our upbringing, we can become either heterosexual or homosexual. Freud does not think that homosexuals’ sexual preference is their fault; instead he believes is either due to stunted growth of the genitals or their own upbringing. People from both sexual orientations look forward to the opposite sex qualities. “The inverted man, like the woman, succumbs to the charms emanating from manly qualities of body and mind; he feels himself like a woman and seeks a man” (Freud). While homosexuals desire the same anatomic sexual partner, they too want their partners to possess qualities of the opposite sex. In order to explain homosexuality, he coins the term “inverts”. It seems like he feels terrible labelling the homosexuals into a negative group. To him, homosexuals are the result of by standing factors. The abnormality in the upbringing of homosexuals can be traced back to the time when their parents were trying to toilet train them. The nervousness to start a new habit might promote the children to retain their fecal matter. When children “hol[d] back of fecal masses until through accumulation there result violent muscular contractions...the pain this must produce also a sensati...
Starting in April of 1952 homosexuality was listed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance” by the American Psychiatric Association (PBS). Four years later, on August 30th, 1956, Evelyn Hooker conducted many psychological tests
The sexual orientation of a person has been a critical debate over the past several centuries. For several...
Since the 1800's, psychiatrists and psychologists have concluded that homosexuality is a mental disorder. They have believed it is brought about by misguided upbringing and their social environments. For instance, it was believed that if the child was lacking a male - figure in the home, he would most likely be gay. Or that child abuse can lead to lesbianism when the special needs of a little girl are denied, ignored, or exploited and the future womanhood of the child is in risk. However, inconsistencies in the research subjects' abuse records ruled these theories out. And if this were the case, then why is homosexuality present in different cultures? Some believed homosexuality was caused by a difference in brain structure. In 1991, Simon LeVay published research stating that sexual orientation may be the result of differing brain structures. The hypothalamus, a region in the brain that governs sexual behavior, was the structure that LeVay was pointing as the structure at fault. In his studies of the hypothalamus, he found that in homosexual men, the hypothalamus was smaller than that of heterosexual men. Instead, it was the size of the female hypothalamus, consequently explaining their sexual tendencies.
The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, and religious issue. Because of this same-sex marriage is a very controversial topic. Legal acknowledgement of same sex marriage is commonly referred to as marriage equality. Many advocates of marriage equality argue that laws restricting marriage to only heterosexuals discriminate against homosexuals. On the other hand advocates against same-sex marriage argue that it would undo long-standing traditions and change the meaning of marriage in a damaging manor. In this essay I will be arguing for same-sex marriage. The arguments mentioned as well as others will be discusses throughout this paper.
Sexual orientation describes patterns of sexual and romantic attraction towards someone else. Normally one pole attracts the other, but in this case, it does not work like that. There is little information on why a person’s sexual orientation might be deviated from what is normal. Research shows that this problem may be due to the role of genes, the environment, hormones, the way a family raised the kids, or because of the brain itself. According to Sigmund Freud, all human beings are bisexual, but they become heterosexual or homosexual because of the experiences they live with their parents and other people. Psychologists and psychiatrists have a negative attitude towards homosexuality. However, there are no norms, or empirical evidence supporting the idea that attraction towards the same sex is a form of mental illness or a psychopathology. Homosexuality is a matter of choice rather than an abnormality due to brain dysfunction (APA, 1975; 1987).
“Self pity becomes your oxygen. But you learned to breathe it without a gasp. So, nobody even notices you're hurting.” Every person who identifies as any of LGBTQPIA, (or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Questioning, Pansexual, Intersex, and Asexual) can connect directly to this quote by Paul Monette, who wrote it specifically for this group of people. Thousands of people daily are shamed for being a part of it. They are taught to despise themselves for who they are. “Gay Pride” is a common LGBT phrase for a reason: to teach people who are a part of the LGBTQPIA community that they don’t have to be ashamed of themselves. LGBT rights need a lot of work, but before we can make the commitment to do so, we need to make these groups accepted in all of America, not in only a few rare “safe places.”
In recent years, same-sex marriage has become a more controversial topic on whether it’s right or wrong. People should not feel coerced to agree with something they believe is wrong; clearly, same-sex marriage is immoral and unnatural. Many complications come with same-sex marriages including financial pressures, social pressures, moral pressures, and health risks.