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Gun violence and its effects
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Gun Control Gun control laws have caused problems throughout the world for many years. According to “Gun Control: An Overview,” “the political and social debate over the question of how much gun control is appropriate has been an extremely polarized one for several decades” (Lee and Stignl). The problem created by gun laws has seemingly increase deaths worldwide. However, the problem can be remedied through a three-pronged approach: educating the gun owners, having more gun free areas, and revamping gun laws. Gun laws have caused major controversy throughout the years. According to “Gun Control: An Overview,” “The 1999 Columbine High School massacre, the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech, and the string of mass shootings since then, including the 2011 Tucson shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, the 2015 San Bernardino shooting, and the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting, have pushed the gun control debate further into the public eye” (Lee and Stignl). These senseless crimes occurred due to gun owners using their weapons in a senseless manner. …show more content…
This could create more gun violence. Killing rates have increased because of this problem. There is a way to fix this problem. One way to fix this problem is to provide gun centers that offer different classes to gun owners who are not educated on how to operate guns properly. This could help prevent some of the gun violence in today’s world. These classes could be helpful to all gun owners. The flaw of this problem is people will find a reason not to attend these classes. People who do not attend these classes will remain uneducated and will continue to use their gun in a senseless
Guns are not the trouble, people are. The United States is #1 in world gun ownership, and yet is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people. The number of unintentional fatalities due to firearms declined by 58 percent between 1991 and 2011 Based on these facts, one can see the guns not the causes of gun violence. moreover, civilians who get permits take gun safety courses and have criminal background...
The Economist (2015) article also states that since Obama’s election into office, there has been 450% increace of American gun makers Smith & Wesson’s share price.
This essay will discuss the pros and cons of gun control. Some U.S. States have already adopted some of these gun control laws. I will be talking about the 2nd amendment, public safety, home safety, and do gun control laws really control guns. I hope after you have read this you will be more educated, and can pick your side of the gun control debate. So keep reading and find out more about the gun control laws that the federal and some state governments want to enforce on U.S. Citizens.
Is it any coincidence that the states with the loosest gun laws in America tend to contribute to the highest amount of national gun deaths and injuries? This is one of the main questions we should be asking when deciding what is best for our country and its citizens. Although gun control has been an ongoing issue, certain events like the Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and the Aurora, Colorado mass shootings have increased our attention to this topic. Although I believe that Americans possess the right to own a firearm, I believe there should be detailed screening and control systems to keep guns out of the wrong hands, to prevent more gun violence from happening in the future.
In The United States of America there are lots of problems that are plaguing our nation. Gun Control is a problem that there is lots of controversy over. This is a problem that had a fire reignited under it when on December 14, 2012 a school in Connecticut was attacked. Many legislative bills have been introduced since then. (Focus of U.S Gun Control Shifts to States Year after Newtown Shooting) There are lots of issues that we have in our community with Gun Control that we have controversy over: background checks, age, classes, military guns, pistols, shotguns, and rifles. All of these things are apart of the plague in our Nation.
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. Those parties in favor of gun ownership and the freedom to use and keep arms, rely on the fact that the provision for such rights is enshrined in their constitution. In this climate of growing violence, rife with turmoil and crime, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified. As citizens of the “Land of the Free” possessing a gun is a fundamental right, and may even be a necessity... Anti- gun lobbyists point to the same growing violence and gun related crimes in an effort to call on the government to take action. By enacting more laws and stricter control, these people not in favor of guns feel society would be better safer.
Guns have the ability to protect the user against those who intend to do wrong. There have been multiple accounts of law abiding citizens protecting themselves with firearms. Some cases even involve stopping criminals with possibly illegally obtained firearms. Given both stances, too much gun control will result in misfortune as will too little. Without a perfect balance, lives are at risk. Throughout this paper I will discuss in greater detail the ways in which this balance can be achieved.
Gun violence has reached an all-time high. After the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, widespread concern forced legislators to take a second look at our gun laws. When twenty children and six educators were gunned down, many citizens were outraged and begged authorities to pass more stringent gun laws because with fewer guns, there could possibly be fewer incidents involving gun violence. Many people believe that the widespread availability of guns is making society unsafe. Each year, nearly 100,000 Americans are shot, 32,000 of them die, 47 children are shot every day, and eight of them die, according to the U.S. News Digital Weekly. In order to solve this problem, more stringent background checks should be required by all applicants, restriction and enforcement on the sale of guns at gun shows need to improve, and the availability of automatic weapons should be limited.
There is an American consensus for some form of gun control. “…[F]irearms were involved in two-thirds of all murders in the United States and [t]he United States leads the world's richest nations in gun deaths…murders, suicides, and accidental deaths due to guns - according to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the International Journal of Epidemiology” (Lepore). There might be some far extreme people who think that all guns should be banned but most sane Americans do not think that gun rights should be abolished. Americans regard self-defense as the most compelling reason to have a gun and twenty-two percent of households have handguns in the United States. However many people do think that gun control laws must be enacted and enforced. Pro-gun extremists and the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) must understand that there is a real for many people at the uncontrolled s...
The debate over gun control in America has constantly been brought up over the years due to gunmen killing large amounts of people in shootings. From Columbine to Sandy Hook, or the shootings of the two reporters in West Virginia, these public shootings are occurring everywhere. Lawmakers and civilians alike are pushing for increased gun control in hopes of preventing the same tragedies. Anyone that has been affected by the shootings has been pushing Congress and state governments to force new sanctions on the government. Over the past three years, Congress has shot down all the laws despite the large amounts of public support.
It is evident that mass shootings are tragic and unsettling and deserves an answer but I believe that the number of guns in the hands of US citizens and the under-mandated federal gun laws have created an unnecessary and tragic national venue. It is unforeseeable that our nation will curtail gun manufacturing for simple reasons of innovation, market and national interest and basic public safety, but federal gun laws are not growing with the safety needs of the public and should be expanded upon. Direction of US federal gun laws stem from the US Constitution’s Second Amendment and its judicial interpretation that US citizens have the right to bare firearms. This American right was endured until safety and social needs required the enacting of
Every day some news related to gun violence are being heard all over the world. Shooting in driveway, public places, schools, homicide and suicide are some of different types of gun violence. Shooting on people and killing them is a big issue in the world and different comments are provided about that. One of the most important of them is about gun control laws. Stingl (2013) says “The term gun control as it is used in the United States refers to any action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and use of handguns and other types of firearms by individual citizens.” According to this idea gun control laws should be stricter and people should not be able to have access to guns easily. However, there are many other people who believe this idea is not a good solution and never help. This essay will demonstrate for and against views about the topic. People who agree with this idea consider: firstly, stricter laws will reduce violence and gun control means crime control. Secondly, some research shows people with gun are more at risks of getting shot. Thirdly, guns can always be misused by their owners and finally, stricter law is the best and the faster way to control crime and make community safe. While opponents say first of all, guns are necessary for people safety and protection. Secondly, guns are not the only tools for killing and violence; there are other weapons too and finally, gun ownership is human rights.
Safety is a fundamental human right that every government must provide its people. The framers of the constitution remained alive to this fact and thus created the Second Amendment which provides that American citizens have a right to own arms. However, this has turned out to be one of the most controversial discourses in America's history given the right has been misused and limited in equal measures. It has sharply divided the American population into two factions, with proponents citing that gun laws should be held because they are constitutionally provided and ensure that citizens are safe from any threat. On the other hand, the opponents intimate that the recent gun attacks experienced in the country such as in Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Gun policies and restrictions have always been a major debate when it comes down to violent acts and political issues regarding the firearm; people who value self-security and have jobs or hobbies pertaining to guns believe there should not be restrictions while others believe the laws need to be strengthened . It is important to know that gun laws and restrictions vary throughout the states, so it is necessary to search specifically for an individual state if needed. It is important for gun owners and people looking to buy guns to make sure they understand the policies in their states and follow them to be safe with their guns and aware of other people’s rights. The debate goes back and forth on determining the fate of gun restrictions. Many
Guns are NOT as dangerous as they seem. Yes, they do kill but only when they are in the hands of a person that is willing to kill. The United States are just too strict when it comes to the use of guns. There shouldn’t even be a gun control law. I believe that guns are just another form of defense.