The Pros And Cons Of Bully

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The documentary Bully follows several school-aged children who are victims of extreme bullying. It reveals how the children react to being bullied as well as how their families respond. The book Thirteen Reasons Why, written by Jay Asher, Is a story about a girl who committed suicide and then sent out tapes after she was dead to all the people who bullied her telling each of them how they contributed to her committing suicide. Bully, directed by Lee Hirsch and the book Thirteen Reasons Why complement each other because they both have similar truths of how bullying affects everyone and they both have first person point of view; the subject matter of bullying is also common throughout both the book and the documentary.
Bullying is something kids hear about from an early age. They are taught “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What if words are even more damaging than some actions? When most people think of bullying, they only think of the physical assaults, they do not take into account the awful things that some people are willing to say. According to a recent study, “90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying” (, and the numbers continue to rise every month. This paper will give two prime examples of just how prominent bullying is in society without us even realizing it.
What is the truth represented by the documentary Bully? The truth is that bullying is horrible. It affects so many kids and adults, alike. If someone is the slightest bit different, people will not hesitate to speculate and poke fun at them – people are cruel in that way. In school’s it is especially bad because when different kids are thrown together, there is bound to be conflict ...

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...the need to put others down because they think it will make them feel better. But other than that, there is no other view you can take on bullying, because bad is bad. There is no good that can come out of bullying.
Both this documentary and book show the true nature of bullying and the ripple effect that it can have. Bullying can create a bully who will then bully someone else who will then either become a bully and continue the cycle or become depressed. It is revealed from both the book and the documentary that bullying is truly awful and how devastating it can be on the families of those who are currently being bullied and those who have lost a loved one due to bullying. Bullying is not something to be taken lightly. If a person witnesses bullying, they should report it to a trusted adult. Bullying can affect everyone, so it is crucial that it is stopped.

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