The Pros And Cons Of Being Gay

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Kathleen Conway Dr. Teresa Delgado “All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.”-Harvey Milk. Even though he was gay Harvey Milk did not discriminate others based on whom they chose to love, what color their skin was, or what their religion was. He believed that all people no matter what should be treated equally. Throughout history there has been a wide array of intolerance towards the fight for gay people and their rights. They have been targeted time and time again for being disgusting, unnatural, mentally ill, and abominations among many other things. Why do people continue to view others this way? Being gay is not a choice, although some people believe it to be. Being gay is no different than being straight. The only difference between the two is that one: two people of the same sex cannot pro-create, and two: people who are gay do not hate others based on who they choose to love. They are uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, friends, teachers, and co-workers. These people mentioned are the ones we care most about, the ones who are there for us no matter what we do or say. They are supportive, they are wise, and they are caring. They are all the same, equal like us: flesh and blood. How would you feel if someone were to say something mean to one of these people you cared so much about. What if they mocked and harassed them because of the one they loved? What if it got so bad that they felt they had to end it all? One of the most current issues facing our world today is gay rights. The issue of gay rights has been escalating over the years and has made some great strides in the intolerance it has... ... middle of paper ... ...ery long way from how horrible it used to be, but it is not enough. Under the United States Constitution everyone no matter who they are or what their sexual orientation is are entitled to equality and equal rights. Separation of Church and State has nothing to do with who can marry who. If gay marriage and marriage equality rights were given to the gay community it would in no way effect the separation of church and state, gay people are not asking to get married in church they just want to be legally wed to the one they love. Being Catholic the church says that I am not supposed to support this cause however; the church also states that God loves everyone equally and that only God can judge. So my question for the Church is why are they allowed to tell people how they are supposed to act and who they are supposed to marry when God is the only one who can judge.

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