The Pros And Cons Of 3D Printing

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While 3D Printing has been around for many decades, patents had not allowed the booming technology to grow to its full potential, now with these patents becoming old and coming to an end, will allow one of the hottest technologies on the market to reach levels that many did not think were possible. So now with the major patents that have limited the 3D printer have fully expired or about to expire will give this industry the push they have needed. With the major one being that now once a product is made from a 3D printer it can now be sold as “finished” and ready for the consumer. While in the past this was not possible. This type of technology will help many companies expand and has many pros to it. It is also known that having a small 3D printer at home will be fun and exciting to have, but where it will change the market and revolutionize it is in big corporations and their factories. In order to produce in bulk, and become more time efficient and cost effective. Some of the bigger companies are already using, and if not already using, planning on using the technology to create products. Some examples include: General Electric printing parts for their jets, Boeing is also making parts for many of their plans and even, Hersey's is printing edible treats in different shapes and, in a darker fashion, Defense Distributed uses home 3D printers to create parts for guns. The list does not just stop there because; Coca Cola, Nokia, and EBay are currently using the technology. Along with NASA who is going to introduce 3D printing in 2014, to help astronauts in producing parts and tools in zero gravity. "If you want to be adaptable, you have to be able to design and manufacture on the fly, and that's where 3D printing in space comes in... ... middle of paper ... ...harmful, here is an example: Hewlett Packer has decided to now implement this technology this year to make simple things like ink or the materials needed to print, so that it could drive the price down for the consumers. Hewlett Packer is not only seeing this technology as an opportunity to create products but to also improve supply chain. They are also realizing that healthcare is benefiting the most from recent interest in 3D printing. By creating new light, inexpensive prosthetics and artificial bone. These are just a few ways HP would like to use 3D technology so they can make healthcare more affordable and better for the average consumer, so that it can truly impact and make a change in the market. Therefore with all this being said, there will always be pros and cons to everything, but maybe with 3D technology it turns out to be more beneficial for everyone.

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