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The strengths and weaknesses of the resilience model
The strengths and weaknesses of the resilience model
The strengths and weaknesses of the resilience model
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Resilience Resilience is a simple concept but many definitions exist, making it hard to operationally define. For the purpose of the current study, the definition has been derived from an extensive construct review by Windle (2011). Resilience is the process in which individuals undergo when adapting to stress, challenges, or trauma. The individual uses resources in their environment during the process to “bounce back” from adversity (Windle, 2011). Such as social support and coping methods (Mahmoud, 2012). The process of resilience is dynamic. Individuals may be born with the ability or they can learn to be resilient (Windle 2011). Over life time the ability to be resilient can change. It is important for people to understand that they have the ability to develop resilience. If they have the mindset that they can they can develop the skill set, they are more likely to increase their resilience (Yeager, Dweck 2012). In a common example; if a student believes they have the ability to improve in math, and are they thought to persist in the face of adversity. With hard work, persistence, and new tools, they can become good at math (Yeager, Dweck, 2012). With the mindset, knowledge, and coping skills, individuals can can foster the …show more content…
As shown, students are under are a large amount of stress, and experience high rates of anxiety and depression. Resilience can protect against the negative effects of stress (Bacchi, Licino, 2016). Bacchi and Licinio (2016) found approximately half of students in their study to be in distress. Students with high resilience had significantly lower distress and rates of mental illness (Bacchi, Licnio, 2016, Tempski 2015). Resilience can protect against mental illness such as depression and anxiety (Tempski et al, 2015). Therefor the relationship between stress, mental illness and resilience in students remains of
According to psychology, the ability of humans to adapt to negative life situations and withstand stress and adversity is centered in a concept called resilience. An individual with resilience may experience the stress and pain that oppression and adversity brings; however, they are better able to control their negative emotions, rather than allowing these emotions to control their thoughts and actions. Resilience is not something people are born with or without, it is a trait that is developed. However, there are causational factors that contribute to the development of resilience. A few of these factors are: Having at least one close friendship and or having a
Resilience is having the motive to go through hard times and ‘bounce back’ from them and learnt how to deal with certain situations. To be resilient you must have a positive point of view on life. Anh’s book ‘The happiest refugee’ He was born into a 1970’s Vietnam, He and his family were forced to leave their country due to seeking safety and freedom from war. Anh uses resilience through his comedic, selfless actions. Resilience has allowed Anh to improve the quality of his life, and the lives of those around him.
Li, M., Xu, J., He, Y., & Wu, Z. (2012). The Analysis of the Resilience of Adults One Year after
Resiliency is the ability to push through physical, mental, and emotional challenges. People should always strive to be resilient and never give up in any situation and to always stay positive
...der to surpass the stress experienced by the whole family. It is continuously staying strong and supporting each family member in the changes that might take place in order to respond to the internal and external forces. In brief, developing a resilient family does not solely depend on just those part of the family, everyone has a significant role to play in order for a family to cope with the internal and external stress they encounter. The article is truly useful in most of the situations Filipino families are experiencing right now. It would not only guide them but also mold those families to become stronger and have higher hopes and goals in life. Metaphorically, Understanding Family Resilience is similar to a guide for families to follow in order to have a stronger relationship, not just with those part of their family but also those part of their environment.
Edith Groberg, a developmental psychologist, argued, “resilience is importance because it is the human capacity to face, over come and be strengthened by or even transformed by the adversities of life” (1995). Resilience makes it possible for young children to face, overcome and even be strengthened when they are facing challenges in lives. When young children learn to manage difficult experiences, it can make a huge difference to their immediate and long-term success and wellbeing (The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, 2013). One of the educational targets in the Victorian State Government is that children are happy, healthy and resilient (State Government Victoria, 2017). Educators working within Victoria state are to focus their efforts
Resilience is an individual’s ability to properly recover from stress or adversity. It is the process of adapting well in the face of trauma, tragedy or threats coming from many sources including family and relationship problems, health issues and workplace or financial stressors. This essay shows the concept of resilience from the perspective of the consumer and health care professional. Working in healthcare is stressful, and it takes a toll a persons physical, emotional and mental levels. To effectively care for others, you must be able to care for yourself, showing resilience.
Resilience is not an attribute or personality characteristic of an individual but a dynamic process wherein people show positive adaptation despite experiences of major adversity or trauma. (LUTHAR & CICCHETTI, 2000) Resilience is a two-dimensional construct regarding adversity exposure and the proper adjustment outcomes of that adversity. (LUTHAR & CICCHETTI, 2000) The two-dimensional construct means implies two judgments about the significance of adversity and a positive adaptation to adversity. (Masten & Obradovic, 2006).
Richardson, G. E. (2002). The Metatheory of Resilience and Resiliency. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(3), 307-321. doi:10.1002/jclp.10020
In class, we learned that family resilience is a family’s ability to bounce back after dealing with a harsh situation. Elasticity and buoyancy are two essential pieces in family resilience. Elasticity means the family is able to conserve their established patterns after dealing with a harsh situation. On the other hand, buoyancy is the family’s ability to rapidly recover from a tough situation. Reading this article, helped me realize that both, families and children, need social support in order to build resilience. In fact, this article states that children need school and community support when trying to overcome a hardship. In addition, the textbook and the article provide similar ways which adults, especially teachers, can help children be more resilient. For example, both state that teachers should focus more on their students’ strengths and less on their
Within psychology adolescence is described as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a period between year twelve and late teens, when the physical growth is complete, the person becomes sexually mature and establishes identity (Nolen-Hoeksema, Friedricson, Loftus & Wagenaar, 2009). During this period of development, the individual has to face several risk factors, which are considered as a hazard on normal psychological development of an individual (Colman, 2009). This means, that experiencing them is associated with vulnerability, developing mental health problems and problematic behaviors such as for instance greater risk taking, school related deviance and school failure, teen pregnancy, substance misuse, aggression, violence or vandalism or in other words delinquency and antisocial behavior (Perkins & Borden, 2003). Therefore risk factors have a potential not just endanger the present developmental period, but also jeopardize the future biological and psychological development (Beam, Gill-Rivas, Greenberger & Chen, 2002; Perkins & Borden, 2003). However, not all young individual will respond to risk factors by developing negative outcomes. Some develop resilience and adapt to changes and stressors (Crawford, 2006; Perkins & Borden, 2003). Furthermore it has been suggested, that risk factors are desirable for developing this kind of positive outcome (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2005). According to Fonagy et. al. (1994) (cited in Crawford, 2006) resilience can be defined as normal development under difficult conditions. It leads to overcoming and coping with the negative effects of exposure to risk factors (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2005). To maintain this, protective factors need to be put in place (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2...
Strengthening Family Resilience Family resilience can be described as the successful coping of family members under adversity that enables support and cohesion within the family (Walsh, 2006). According to the research, resilient families typically have many of the following protective factors: positive outlook, spirituality, family member accord, flexibility, family communication, financial management, family time, shared recreation, routines and rituals, and outside support networks (Walsh, 2003). These protective factors not only serve as a function within the family structure, but are a factor in the therapeutic process. The family resilience perspective in therapy shifts away from a deficit-based lens that views struggling families as
However, the way each religion approaches resilience is different. There is a need for religion and resilience to become a central part of the field of mental health (Wolin, et al, 2009). Throughout the literature, there is support for individuals to use positive religious coping to help them deal with stress (Ano & Vasconcelles, 2005). However, Ano and Vasconcelles (2005) found in their metaanalysis that both positive and negative types of religious coping skills are associated with positive and negative responses to stress. In children, being a member of a religion, having a faith, and finding a sense of meaning in life, are all protective factors for being resilience to life’s difficulties (Masten & Wright, 2005).
Shastri, P. (2013). Resilience: Building immunity in psychiatry. Indian Journal Of Psychiatry, 55(3), 224-234. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.117134
From my understanding, I have come to view resilience as the art of not dwelling. This personal definition, I recognize, only summarizes half of the word’s meaning, not even touching on the action of recovery. I chose to view it in this way because, I find it helps me to find it manageable. I often struggle with experiencing difficulties or changes, I often find myself internalizing my problems which leads me to introspection and self doubt. By concentrating on a single facet I am able to better manage resilience. Despite my choice to ignore the second half on the word’s meaning, by choosing not to dwell, I have found recovery becomes easier to achieve. As a person who prefers math and science, problem solving from an analytical perspective is an enjoyable task, but when emotions are involved the process gets derailed or takes longer. I have found that using my strategy of not dwelling I am able to analytically look at my situation and consider my next steps to