The Principles of Fitness Training

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The Principles of Fitness Training

There are four basic principles applied in all training sessions to

skill and fitness, these are;

* Specifity

* Overload

* Progression

* Reversibility


The training must be specific to the sport or activity which means

that it should concentrate on the particular needs for the sport

during training. For example if you’re a runner and you want to be

specific to your sport its no good going and lifting weights as it

will have little effect on your aerobic capacity.

You should base your training on the type of fitness required and the

particular muscle groups needed during your sport. If you aren’t

training for any specific sport and you just want to loose weight or

improve overall look you should work on cardiovascular fitness

exercises and moderate strength and resistance exercises.


This follows the F.I.T.T principle

* Frequency : How often you train

* Intensity : How hard you train

* Time : How long you train for

* Type : The exercise carried out to match the sporting action

Overload is used to describe the activities that give demands on the

body which are greater than usual. The training must be raised to a

higher level than is normal to create the extra demands to which the

body will adapt. For example you will increase the time from 30 mins

to 45 mins, you will increase the intensity by running faster or

longer and lifting heavier weights, you will increase the frequency

from jus 2 times a week to 4 times a week.


This is closely related to overload in which the body adapts through

overload. If the overload is increased in the wrong way then the body

will not take too well to it and there will be no progression. This

can be seen when a performer stops at the same level which is known as

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