The Presentation of Love in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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The Presentation of Love in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


Mother x2 hate

Father x2 Jealousy

Child x2 intrigue

Nurse deceit

Cousin x2 unrequited love

Best friend Passion and lust



Take the two families and add the two cousins

Stir in the Nurse and a Best friend.

Add the Prince and the soon to be hopeful husband.

Mix in some hate and jealousy, and a dash of intrigue and deceit

Add a large quantity of unrequited love.

Mix all together adding passion and lust.

Allow this to simmer until it resembles a romantic love story that

ends in tragedy.

There you have the recipe of love that is William Shakespeare's 'Romeo

and Juliet'. Their tale will take you through a Roller coaster of

emotions and it all started with a kiss.

'Romeo and Juliet' is famous for being a play about love. The love in

the play is not just about the love between 'Romeo and Juliet' nor is

it all about romance. Just about everyone in the play has a view on

love and this comes across very strongly.

Mercutio jokes about love a lot, this may be because he is scared to

be in love. Mercutio treats love as a game; he thinks that if you are

hurt by love you should hurt somebody else. Mercutio also relates love

to sex and he thinks of it as a dirty sexual game.

"If love be rough with you, be rough with love: prick love for

pricking, and you beat love down"

In this quotation Mercutio is saying teach love a lesson, don't worry

about love. Use sex to forget about love. The nurse also has a sexual

view on love; her views are slightly different from Mercutio's,

because she believes that the passionate side of love should mean

something. The Nurse thinks that once you are married and you have had

sex with your new husband you will know what love is. Lord Capulet's

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