Different Views of Love Presented in the Play Romeo and Juliet

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Different Views of Love Presented in the Play Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's most famous play, is all about love.

Several different aspects of love are presented in the play, including

unrequited love, parental love, the love of friendship and romantic

love. In this essay, I shall be examining the views Shakespeare

expresses on these different forms of love.

Romeo experiences unrequited love in his dealings with Rosaline. This

form of love is not portrayed in the play as real love, the type

experienced by Romeo and Juliet, but as something completely

different. When we first hear of Romeo I the play, we are told by his

father that he has locked himself in his room and "Shuts up his

windows," and "locks fair daylight out". Later in the play, when Romeo

is talking to his friends Benvolio and Mercutio, he talks about his

love for Rosaline. He says, "Love is a smoke made with the fume of

sighs," that love is "A madness most discreet", and that "Under love's

heavy burden do I sink". These give the impression that Romeo is

feeling self-pity for himself because of Rosaline's rejection, but I

also think that it shows something else. I think that it shows that

Romeo is desperate to be in love, and is in fact in love with the idea

of being in love. All of these things show that unrequited love is

very different to conventional romantic love. The feelings of

self-pity as shown by Romeo move it away from the idea of love, and

into the realms of infatuation and lust. This is well put by Friar

Lawrence, who says, "young men's love lies not truly in their hearts,

but in their eyes".

Parental love is also presented in the play. This type of love is

shown to be caring and protective, just after the first confrontation

in the play. Lady Montague, Romeo's Mother, after hearing about the

fight, asks "O where is Romeo?" and "Saw you him today?" and says that

she was "right glad I am he was not at this fray.

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