The Positive Impacts Of Globalization

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Name: Naif Alblawi Professor Subject: Globalization Date : 11/20/2014 Globalization Globalization is the continued interaction between nations, regional economies, cultures and societies. The invention of better transport and communication has brought individuals and communities closer. Also, globalization has made international trade and human interactions easy, meaning that people from different areas can be neighbors. There is no country that is self-sufficient in all aspects. However, nations can obtain resources from other areas where they are available. This concept is what gave rise to globalization. Globalization is associated with negative and positive effects on all aspects of life. This research paper defines globalization, explores …show more content…

Globalization has had many effects on different economies. However, these are difficult to assess since it is associated with major challenges and at the same time offers huge opportunities and possibilities for countries through cooperation. Globalization has benefitted most nations in terms of trade, social interactions and other areas such as health. In addition, this concept led to the emergence of better interactions between nations. However, some of the negative impacts of globalization discussed in the paper include the easy spread of diseases, undermining of social values and the development of organized crime. Globalization also led to the interconnection of economies that strengthens some nations while undermining other economies. Work cited Aurifeille, Jacques-Marie, Serge Svizzero, and C A. Tisdell. Leading Economic and Managerial Issues Involving globalization. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2006. Baldwin, Richard E, and Philippe Martin. Two Waves of globalization: Superficial Similarities, Fundamental Differences. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1999. Gerdes, Louise I. Globalization. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven, 2006. Print. Sjursen, Katrin. Globalization. Bronx, N.Y.: H.W. Wilson, 2000.

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