The Positive And Negative Effects Of Child Abuse And Its Effects

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The effects of child abuse are infinite. The hurt, pain and trauma abused children go through is just a small part society actually sees, but it affects all of us. Damaged lives can be seen in people of all ages and in all outlooks of life. As a whole, society is affected by child abuse in both positive and negative ways. Early American cultures did not consider child abuse a crime. In fact, children were often told what they needed to do, and if they did not follow orders, they were beaten. Child abuse is when a parent, caregiver, or guardian fails to act, causing injury, emotional harm or risk to a child, and in severe cases, death. There are 3 main forms of child maltreatment, including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse of a child is a behavioral pattern that impairs a child 's development emotionally or sense of self-worth. Emotional abuse is often difficult to intervene and, therefore, one may not …show more content…

Most don’t understand how someone could do such a thing to their own child. Alcohol and drug use are believed to be a huge part of why parents abuse their children. Stress brought on by a variety of social conditions raise the risk of child abuse within a family. These conditions include not having a job, sickness, poor living situations, or a death in a family. Certain characteristics of children, such as mental retardation or physical or developmental disabilities, can also increase the stress of parenting and the risk of abuse. A large majority of reported cases of child abuse come from families living in lower class. Wealthier families get away with hiding abuse because they have less contact with social agencies than poor families do. It is often assumed that just parents abuse their children. However, guardians, babysitters, and other close relatives abuse children too. Research shows that mothers are more likely to be held responsible for child abuse than

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