Effects Of Child Abuse Essay

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Abuse in child can differ from physical, emotional, mental, sexual and neglect. The effects of child abuse vary between children these effects can be long lasting. Some of these problems can be psychological such as anxiety, depression, academic problems in school, withdrawn and difficulty connecting with others, and can even experience flashbacks and post-traumatic stress. They also have physical effects such as bruises, sprains, fractures, poor hygiene and inappropriate dress. Children living in an environment that is full of fear and violence develop poor coping skill some of these coping skills can be eating disorders, drug use risky sexual decision and self-harm. Some children fall into a cycle of abuse and become abusers themselves. Each child can experience one or more …show more content…

There are different kinds of physical abuse, not only hitting or beating but also sexual abuse and neglect. Sign of physical abuse are bruises, unexplained sprains and fractures. There are two different types of neglect. There is neglect when one’s parents are incapable of taking care of their children do to their own mental illness. This type of neglect affects how children interact with their parents. If their mother or father suffer from depression it will affect the way, the child learns how to interact with the world they are disconnected because their parents are. Another form of neglect is that the parents are full aware and decided not to take care of their child. This will also make it harder for children to form bounds with other latter on in life. A sign of neglect is poor hygiene, clothing that is dirty or ripped and lack of medical treatment. Then there is sexual abuse, sexual abuse teaches some children that love is associated with physical acts. It also affects the way children trust. Sign of sexual abuse are vaginal infections and wetting or soiling of the

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