The Philosophy Of A Creative Teacher

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Meghanology- The Philosophy of a Creative Teacher
“Ineffective teachers will teach out of a book, follow a program, or complain about the culture of the neighborhood of the students.” – Harry Wong (Wong) I believe that students deserve a chance to succeed no matter what the circumstances are in their lives. Students will only be as successful as their teacher is in teaching them. I’ve always believed in thinking outside of the box. I’ve never liked to believe that one way of doing a task is the only way to do that task. This concept is the same in the classroom, sometimes the book isn’t always the best option for your students. Students all think and work differently, they don’t all work well with reading out of a book or sitting in a lecture, some work well in groups and on hands on activities. As educators we have to find ways to engage all of our students. I follow the progressivist approach of education that believes that education focuses on experimentation. Students need to experience what is being taught to them, they need hands on learning and teaching. Learn by doing is key in this philosophy.
Role of the School
The school’s role should be to integrate the students into a creative environment where they are challenged daily by various philosophies, experiences, opinions, and views to which the students should have the chances to explore, reason through, evaluate, and even take home and be able to discuss with their families and the community around them. According to the Philosophical and Ideological Views in Education, the progressivists approach to education “is to get out of the four walls that enclose the schools from the rest of the culture and society and open the doors to the larger society, the community.”...

... middle of paper ..., it should be something that pushes the students. Students should be active in their schooling, they should be challenged, and they should be continually growing in their education. The Common Core addresses this thinking. They ask that students are encouraged by their teachers to think critically and investigate in the classroom. Students should be able to make inferences from the text in an English classroom. They should be encouraged to do so in all lessons and activities.
The progressivist believes in the progress of student’s education. I believe that all students deserve success, but that the parent, student, and teacher must work together to achieve that success. Creativity and encouragement in the classroom are key to my philosophy of education. The only way to be an effective teacher is to step out of the box and into the lives of each of our students.

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