The Pearl Quote Analysis

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¨You don't need materials to find happiness.” This quote shows how people don't need materials and money to be happy with your life. In the novella The pearl by John Steinbeck, a poor fisherman finds a huge pearl after his baby boy gets stung by a scorpion. Initially the pearl was going to be used to pay for medicine for the baby boy named Coyotito. Yet as the story progresses Kino , the poor fisherman, begins to want more and more. But it is not only Kino who desires wealth and experiences greed. Through the authorś characters: the three mysterious attackers, the lazy doctor, and the protagonist Kino,himself, we see how they show that materialism and greed left unchecked, can lead to immoral behavior, such as violence. The first person who …show more content…

As a reader one would expect Kino to throw away pearl and to keep his family out of danger. Yet he does not, why? because he is driven by greed. At first we learn Kino only wants the best for his family and gets the pearl only for medicine. Then, as the story continues he starts wanting more for himself and for his family. For example, he says he wanted a gun and wanted to get married, even though they are happy as they are. Not only does he start wanting more, but starts acting differently. Juana starts to see these changes in her husband, so she tries to throw the pearl away. The way Kino reacts to this is by Sprinting after Juana and to stop her he punches and kicks her. This shows how he hit his own wife just to stop her from throwing a material. Then he doesn't even have to kick her, but he does out of greed and frustration. Then later in the story he starts to care again for the family, but as long as he has the pearl he still is ready to fight or even kill for it. Two trackers and a rifleman are after Kino because they want the pearl for themselves. Kino, Juana, and Coyotito hide in a cave thinking that the three men will walk right past

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