The Great Gatsby: Does Money Buy Happiness?

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The materialistic value of money is unable to offer true happiness. However, factors such as family and friends can provide happiness to everyone. Prosperity cannot be bought, no matter how much money is spent. The only thing that can cause you to be truly happy is the memories you made in your life time with friends and family. Money can help get something off your mind by spending it, but the memories you made while spending your money will make you smile at any time in life. You can socialize with your loved ones and create memories with them. You do not always have to spend money to be happy, but you could make jokes and have a great time to create memories. If you think that winning the lottery will leave you feeling content for the rest of your life, think again. Acording to American Psychological Assocation, the researchers had observed people and came to a conclusion that family and friends can provide true happiness. In observations they found that while wealth improves quality of life and 'life satisfaction', it has only a small impact on day-to-day mood. Support of family and friends and working at a fulfilling job were also far more important than income, the researchers found. This survey is agreeable because without the support of your loved ones you would be like a lost cat in the streets. The people surrounded by you are the ones who you can turn to when you are in a time of need. The quote “Riches are for spending.” by Francis Bacon. This quote is saying that money is only used to spend and you can not attain true happiness. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway never took advantage of Jay Gatsby one of the nicest people he had ever came across even though he had money. Nick always ha... ... middle of paper ... ...y he could ever want he was not content. The money that Gatsby owned did not win Daisy over. This shows that money can not buy happiness because Gatsby’s happiness was Daisy and the money still was not able to get her to be his. Money can not buy memories or friends. They need to be created with your real friends. “Money never prevents anyone from being happy or unhappy.” The quotation means that money cannot buy pleasure and you can find jubilation in the few subjects in life. Money controls society so abounding individuals never have a chance to figure out what else is important such as friends and family. Your loved ones can be used to create memories and with those memories you can attain true happiness. Human nature is so controlled by money that they do not understand the value of the few concepts in life. Works Cited The Great Gatsby Talia Joy

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