The Pardoner's Tale Research Paper

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Money affects today's society when it comes to people being greedy about it. Some people let money take over them, and they don't see the true values of life. When it comes to money and greed, it could be very dangerous, there’s never a good outcome when it comes to that. In “The Pardoner's Tale” they show how a group of friends get taken by the want in gold, how they'd be willing to even betray each other to just have all the gold to themselves. In the story even death is an outcome, in order to just have the gold. That's a perfect example in how money affects today's society, because people would do anything just to be rich and have power. In today's society it's not just about having money and being greedy, if not as in who has more power as well. This could be very bad, because some people forget about their morals, and their true values in life. Like in in “The Pardoner's Tale” some of the characters end up dying because of being greedy with one another, and that does happen a lot in today's society. People will do anything for money now a days, and the results could be as simply as a robbery, as to an extreme to death. …show more content…

People shouldn't die because of money, life is way more valuable than just a few bucks then and there. They should also learn to see how the want of money, could have fatal results in the long run, that just because it's a story it could happen in real life. Come on, it happens where people kill each other for food or a shelter, what would they do for money. Yes, death might not always be the result, but in today's society there's people that even sell themselves just to have money. This story put a message for the world, in showing them how money does take over people, and it could end people's lives as well. It's a strong message that the world will eventually see, and realize it is

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