The Nursing And Midwifery Council (NMC)

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This assignment will discuss how the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) seeks to protect service users and promote care standards by regulating the work of Adult Nurses. The author will then explain how the NMC maintains a register to regulate all nurses practicing within the United Kingdom (UK), so that all service users and others are receiving competent and compassionate care within the regulatory body’s expectations and standards, and also what could happen if this is not maintained. The author will then go on and outline an Adult nurses role and resposibilites. The assignment will then discuss how nurses have to uphold their professional standards according to their code of practice and that it is not negotiable (Nursing and midwifery council, 2015). This will be followed by a more in depth discussion of an Adult nurses duty to maintain confidentiality and what could happen to a nurse who breaks confidentiality under their code of practice according to the NMC. The writer will then continue to define safeguarding and discuss in detail how nurses are regulated to prioritise and make changes where neccasery to safeguard their service users (Nursing and midwifery council, 2015). This will be followed by an example of an abuse case that occurred at Winterbourne View care home (2011) where the code of practice failed to be maintained …show more content…

The NMC seeks to protect service users and promote care standards by setting out regulations for all registered nurses. The NMC regulates nurses by four key principles, ‘prioritising people, practising effectively, preserving safety and promoting professionalism and trust’ (Nursing and midwifery council, 2015, p.1), this is to make sure all nurses who are eligible to practice are able to uphold their professional standards and guarantee effective and safe healthcare to the public (Nursing and midwifery council,

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