This is a project about the U.S.A. we have to do this for the subject history. We have to answer a main Question. As main question I chose; what was the influence by the Dutch on the New Netherlands? I chose this question because I thought this would be an interesting thing about the history of the New Netherlands. I’m going to use sub questions to answer the main question. The three sub questions are about the drive for the Dutch to look for new colonies, what did the Dutch get from the New Netherlands and what did they bring to the New Netherlands and what was the influence of the colony on the hinterland. For my research on the sub questions I had to use the internet. This three question will be worked out beneath
Sub Question 1
What was the drive for the Dutch to look for new colonies?
In times of the golden age the VOC (United East Indian Company) the Dutch were well known by their trade. They had ships and trading posts all over Asia and Africa. Still they were looking for shortcuts to sail much faster to their home harbours. The shorter they have to sail with their load the more profit they could make. To find new and faster ways to sail to the east would be great so they started to explore the see’s to find these shortcuts and make new routes to sail for trade.
Henry Hudson (English seamen) started sailing with his ship named “the half moon” in 1609 for the VOC. Officially he was searching for a new trading route to Asia. He was searching for the Northwest Passage through North America on the west of the Half Moon. A lot of explorers did the same thing before him. But he didn’t found the Northwest Passage. But he did find something else, the New Netherlands. It had beautiful woods, animals and ...
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...igger people get mean and start to defend what they think is legally theirs. These little quarrels often ended in big trouble and sometimes even war with native people or other countries like England.
In general we can say that the Dutch had “some” influence when New Amsterdam was grounded. Later the Dutch came to the conclusion that the reason we established the outpost New Amsterdam, to trade and earn money, was not what we expected of it. More and more people sailed to New Amsterdam and never came back. They settled and find their way into this big and endless country. Later the Dutch lost New Amsterdam to the English and they give it his new name “New York”. The bond with the Dutch and the America of today is still very good. In these day’s there is still some sort of understanding between the two countries, is this a leftover from history?
In Jamestown, the settlers had to deal with the Powhatan Indians. The relationships with them were unstable. John Smith, whom was the leader of Jamestown, was captured by these Indians while he was on a little trip with some of his men. As he left two of his men, he came back to find them dead and himself surrounded by two hundred members of the tribe, finding himself being captured. “Six or seven weeks those barbarians kept him prisoner…” 87). After this event, the relationship only grew worse and there was constant fighting between the settlers and Indians. The Indians practiced many methods in capturing settlers such as “scalping” and other dreadful techniques. The settlers did many negative practices also which is the reason they fought so many wars and battles against each other. Later on, the Indians killed the English for their weapons that were rare to them. In contrast to the Plymouth colony, these settlers dealt with the Pequot Indians and the relations were much more peaceful for a certain time frame. At one point, one Indian was brave enough to approach them and spoke to them (in broken English). He taught them the ways of the land, and developed a peace with the man. The settlers from the Plymouth colony learned many ways to grow food from these Indians. “He directed them how to set their corn, where to take fish and to procure other commodities, and was also their
...y robbing the Indians of their land, the English upset and hurt many of the Native American tribes, which lead to many disputes over ownership of the land.
Though the events of the past certainly have a direct influence on the world today. The ardent relationship that lies between Canada and the Netherlands can be referenced to the pretentious days nearing the end of the Second World War. Where Canada had played a significant role as liberators in Holland during this misfortunate time. Canada had provided the Dutch Royal Family with a safe haven. Canadians fought battles through France, Belgium, the Scheldt, and Germany before being sent back to the Netherlands.
The Jamestown Project discusses the monumental landmark, the colony of Jamestown, was in Atlantic History. The story of Jamestown is told in a much more authentic, elaborate style than our textbooks has presented. As Kupperman points out, Jamestown was not only important to United State’s history but also to British history. From the motivations to the lasting effects, she gives an accurate account of all components involved in Jamestown. Also, there is a chapter devoted to the Native American experience, which shows a non-Western view of events. The book is written in a format that is easily read but also compacted with information. More importantly she puts Jamestown in its right place in United State’s and British history, as the foundation of colonial United States and the British Empire.
The Europeans invaded America with every intention of occupying the land, the bountiful natural resources as well as the complete domination of the native people. The Europeans desire for the land created an explosive situation for the native peoples as they witnessed their land and right to freedom being stripped from them. They often found themselves having to choose sides of which to pledge their allegiance to. The Europeans depended upon Indian allies to secure the land and their dominance as well as trade relations with the Indians. The Indians were in competition with one another for European trade causing conflict among the different tribes altering the relationships where friends became enemies and vice versa (Calloway, 2012, p. 163). These relationships often became embittered and broke into bloody brawls where it involved, "Indian warriors fighting on both sides, alongside the European forces as well as against European forces invad...
This all began when Sir Walter Raleigh, a wealthy courtier, sought-after permission from Queen Elizabeth I to establish a colony in North America. On March 25th 1584 he got a charter to start the colony. Raleigh funded and authorized the expedition .He sent two explorers by the names of Phillip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe to claim land for the queen,they departed on the west side of England on April 27th . On May 10 they arrived at the Canaries, a series of islands near the northwest coast of mainland Africa. They arrived at the West Indies on June 10 and stayed there for twelve days then left. On July 4 the explorers saw North American land, they sailed for nine days more looking for an entryway to the sea or river and found one on June 13th. They then set off to explore the land and place it on the map . After they went back two additional journeys there followed after. One group arrived in 1585 and went there for...
The location of New France was North America. North America was an area colonized by France which stretched from New Foundland to Hudson Bay to the Rocky Mountains all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. All the territory was divided into 5 different colonies and those colonies were: Canada, Acadia, Hudson Bay, New Foundland(Plaisance), and Louisiana.
The Treaty of London (1604) ended the war between England and Spain and secured Spain’s position as a leading power in the world. Although the war was over, there were still plenty of tensions between the two countries. There is no hiding the fact, that the rivalry between England and Spain in the 1500s and 1600s assisted in spurring the colonization of the New World in completion of new land, wealth and power. Military bases for warring against Spain could also be created in the New World and encouraged England’s colonization as well. Without doubt, the war with Spain and the rivalry created afterwards, was a major stimulus in building new colonies in America.
In the seventeenth century, the English and many other Eastern countries came to the “new land” for a vast amount of reasons. Many of these foreigners came for religious freedom, some to seek fortune, and others were convicts being deported. However, for those who came across the sea, there was one thing they were not planning to have conflict with when they arrived. The natives, or as the English called them “savages”, which were a distinction on how some viewed these natives, had made this land their home long before settlers came exploring. The differences in language, hierarchy, and society divided these two cultures. Living in the same region, the relationships between the natives and English varied among the East coast.
Many Native groups, because they were nomadic, didn't see land as belonging to one person. The idea that someone could come in, claim a piece of land and ban them from it, caused many problems. rise dramatically, which caused Amsterdam to become less influential. Finally, unity was also challenged and this was seen because Dutch cities began to distrust other Dutch cities, which devastating because the country needed unity to survive and stay as a major power in Europe. The late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries saw an uprising of major powers, some of whom forced the Dutch Republic into a series of conflicts, which destroyed the Netherlands at the core. Ultimately the Dutch Republic’s downfall began with foreign opposition, but the country proved to be unstable because once one part of the empire went down, many other parts followed suit. The removal of the Dutch Republic as a major influence in Europe was also similar to the decline of the Prussian Empire and how some of Prussia’s demise was internal and foreign hostility eliminated the rest.
From 1609 to 1713, the Dutch Republic was going through “The Golden Age.” It was a time of economic wealth, and a higher standard of life compared to most European countries. However, the Netherlands had the highest cost of living out of all European countries. It was the period in which mercantilism expanded, and domination of trading power was necessity. England, France, and Portugal were also expanding their boundaries of trade, which will begin a long fight for mastery at sea. The Dutch was the trading capital of the world at this time; in which is represented in this quote,” Although the Dutch tenaciously resisted the new competition, the long distance trading system of Europe was transformed from one largely conducted through the Netherlands, with the Dutch as universal buyer-seller and shipper, to one of multiple routes and fierce competitiveness.”(Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 24, pg. 890). The Netherlands operated in 7 provinces, known as the United Provinces, and the Dutch society was mainly consisted of bourgeoisie, sailors, and merchants. Because of the major trade industry in Holland, and that agricultural was secondary to the trading industry, the Dutch people were taxed extremely high for goods. However, a wave of culture flowed through Dutch Society, influenced by the economic profit that the Dutch gained from trade.
“Perhaps there is no other group in the world that has quite so diverse and rich culture as that of the Native Americans. With their gilded history that is rich in strife, struggle, and triumph, the Native American culture is indeed very colorful” (Bantwal). Native American culture is very diverse and it has a very colorful history. It is extremely diverse and in fact the term Native American is a broad term that is used to cover all Native tribes in America. Throughout history there has been conflict not only among the different tribes but also there was plenty of fighting against the white men. Much of the fighting between the Native Americans and the white men was due to misunderstandings, mistrust, and miscommunication. Many thousands of years ago “the nomadic ancestors of modern Native Americans who hiked over a “land bridge” from Asia to what is now Alaska” ( Once they reached Alaska they slowly spread out across the continent of North America. They spread out and separated into different tribes who all have many of the same core ideas but the main thing that separates them is their location in the country. There are Indians from the plains, the pacific coast, the southwest, and the northeast and different locations also. One main idea that is pretty much the same for each tribe is the closeness and respect they show for the land they live on. The history of the Native Americans as a whole is pockmarked by conflict. The conflicts between the tribes were very common and happened because of land disputes or just because of the close proximity of the tribes. But when the white men entered the picture this is where miscommunication and mistrust came into play. The white men wanted the land that...
One of the first causes of the Indian Wars was that the settlers were trespassing on Native American’s lands without authorization while they were looking for gold, or just trying to get to Oregon. ...
Tension and disputes are sometimes resolved by force but more often by negotiation or treaties. On the other hand, the Natives were described as strong and very innocent creatures awaiting the first opportunity to be christianized. The Indians were called the “Noble Savages” by the settlers because they were cooperative people, but sometimes, after having a few conflicts with them, they seem to behave like animals. We should apprehend that the encounter with the settlers really amazed the natives, they were only used to interacting with people from their own race and surroundings and all of this was like a new discovery for them as well as for the white immigrants. The relations between the English and the Virginian Indians were somewhat strong in a few ways.