The Neurobiology of Fear: Emotional Memory and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder For survivors of traumatic events, the trauma itself is often only the beginning. While some are relatively unaffected, many others will develop post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, an affliction that haunts its victims with terrifying memories, nightmares, and panic attacks. (For a comprehensive list of symptoms and diagnostic criteria, the reader may refer to the DSM-IV, relevant portions of which may be found online (7).) The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 3.6 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from PTSD; 30 percent of those who have spent time in war zones - one million veterans of Vietnam alone - are affected (6). PTSD is treated with several forms of psychotherapy, including exposure therapy, centered around a controlled confrontation of frightening stimuli. While medication may treat co-occurring depression, anxiety, or insomnia (6), pharmacological agents targeting PTSD remain unavailable. In part, this is because researchers have only begun to describe the underlying neurobiology. Several recent studies have pointed to the brain structure known as the amygdala as a central player, but questions remain: How does this small structure "recognize" danger? How does it create emotional memories? What causes recurrence of these memories? Answers to these questions are complex and incomplete. As an anxiety disorder, PTSD has its foundations in fear and "emotional memory." Like factual memory, emotional memory also involves the storage and recall of events and details; this has been termed the explicit or conscious memory (2). Emotional memory, though, has a second, distinct component. This facet, t... ... middle of paper ..., from Stephen Maren's Emotion and Memory Systems Laboratory at the University of Michigan. 4)Summary of Research at Stephen Maren's Emotion and Memory Systems Laboratory at the University of Michigan. 5)Anxiety Disorders Treatment Target: Amygdala Circuitry, from the National Institute of Mental Health. 6)Facts About Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, from the National Institute of Mental Health. 7)PTSD Diagnostic Criteria from the DSM-IV, from Bully Online, a service of the United Kingdom National Workplace Bullying Advice Line. 8)Building a Brainier Mouse. Zsien, Joe T. 2000. Scientific American
Boone, Katherine. "The Paradox of PTSD." Wilson Quarterly. 35.4 (2011): 18-22. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Bordwell, David. “The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film Practice.” Film Theory and Criticism. Eds. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. Oxford University Press, 2009: 649-657.
Traud, James. "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND; Does It Work." N.p., 10 November 2002. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.
Tribune Staff. (2013, October 1). Florida lawmakers need to toughen texting while driving law. The Tampa Tribune. Retrieved from
The religious beliefs of Lebanese include several religions with the top two being Christianity and Muslim which includes Sunni and Shia sectors (Maksoud, 2013). Traditional beliefs of Muslim faith believe that both men and women should dress modestly. The woman require a modest look that covers the skin color and the shape of her body (Ballinger, 2011). The coverings can lead to stereotyping from many in America because the lack of cultural competence. “Another Islamic practice is prayer five times a day” (Ballinger, 2011, p. 46).
"Is No Child Left Behind Effective For All Students?" Parents Don't Think So, Randolph, Kelli; Wilson-Younger, Dylinda,Online Submission 6 pp. 2012
Stanik, Mary, Ed (2007) Open to the Public: How Communities, Parents, and Students Assess the Impact of the "No Child Left Behind Act," 2004-2007--"The Realities Left Behind"
Ravitch, D. (2009). Time to Kill "No Child Left Behind". Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed For Quick Review, 75(1), 4-6.
William, Mary E., ed. “The No Child Left Behind Act is Not Improving Education”. Education. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Greenhaven Press, 2014.
Ellis, Charles. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue “No Child Left Behind A Critical Analysis” Information Age Publishing, September 1, 2007. Print
...nforcement and criminal imprisonment had more of an effect on crime then any gun control law. Gun education and hunter’s education also improved. Focusing efforts on the root of the problem has yielded results and lowered crime. Crime rate has steadily lowered as more guns entered the private market.
In conclusion, the initial intentions of the No Child Left Behind Act (2001) were to close the achievement gap between low achieving students and schools and their counterparts; but have fallen short in many important aspects along the way. Teachers have become de-sensitized to the reasons they initially desired to be educators and have lost their vision of how to implement instruction due to standards of NCLB and the consequences for not meeting those mandated goals. Likewise, students must perform, many times, above their level in order to be labeled “adequate” by the federal government and their schools. In some cases, there is a disproportionate burden placed on schools, teachers, and students, all for the sake of what is federally deemed as average achievement.
...She admits that Fanny is a comfort to have around and is reluctant to let her go when Fanny marries Edmund (even though this makes her a Bertram). Of course, what changes her mind is the fact that Fanny's sister Susan will come to stay at Mansfield Park and take Fanny's place.
First of all, there should be more laws against texting and driving because the current laws are not working. There are currently no nationwide laws that ban texting and driving. However, each state decides their own laws
Texting while driving has become a major problem in the United Sates over the past couple years. Even though most people will say that it does not affect their driving, texting while driving can change or take someone’s life in just a split second. The accidents, distractions, and illegal issues of texting and driving are a few reasons why people should not take part in the activity. Many accidents have happened in the past to prove to people that texting while driving can cause many deaths.