The Negative Essay: The Effects Of Domestic Violence

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The Effects of Domestic Violence The propensity for violence is caused by many reasons. Including the violence caused by the psychologically health, the lack of morality and the violence state under unconscious. There is an old saying in China: Like father, like son. I believe that the family education and environment is very important to children, it will affect to them for whole life just like the old saying. I personally don’t prefer to send the negatively emotion or show the brutal situation to the surrenders when I want to state personal idea, especially to those negatively themes. We discussed about the domestic violence against women to the adult world. Society made us feels pressure when we growing up or step to a new stage during …show more content…

At first, they ask those boys to show the love to the girl by physical way. Then, they ask these boys to slap the girl, and all of them reject to do that and stated why they don’t do that. There have a same experiment to the girls named ‘slap him,’ and the girls also reject to hit the boy because they don’t want to. They state that ‘In the kids’ world, women don’t get hurt’ and ‘in the kids’ world, no one wants to hit anyone, not even animals’. The videos showed the attitude about these children towards the domestic violence.
Then, I also saw a video called ‘Slap her’ by the adults. It is an experiment to those NFL players. Oppositely, men ask where to hit the girl or they won’t hurt her on camera because it will make them loose their job. What society, pressure, job, family and morality affected us when we growing up? The surrenders’ attitude to the morality and the family environment must affect us a …show more content…

U.S. government statistics say that 95% of domestic violence cases involve women victims of male partners. The children of these women often witness the domestic violence ( 2016). When we were a child, intimating is what we usually do when we learn something is ‘fresh’ to us. When we witness the violence, it cause two results to our mentally health: fragile or the distrust to the relationship or intimate the parents’ behavior or words. I think it is a bad way to give a child a wrong concept about the violence.
When I was a child, my parents fight a lot because they married by arranged. I witnessed or heard the moment when they fight and had an argument, I also cried a lot when I saw the bruise appeared on my parents’ body. My older sister hugs me until I fall asleep at that period. After several time, my parents started to realize it is so affective to us if they had the domestic violence when they fight. That experience also caused the issue of my distrust to the marriage. I think the early attachment relationship between my parents predicts later emotional development to

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