The Negative Aspects Of Playing On A Coed Team

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“It’s plain and simple anatomy. Males are designed to be bigger and stronger and can therefore compete on an entirely different level than females.” ( I feel as having all sports be coed is not needed. Looking at every article is seems as if it would be unfair, usually the males are more skilled or “faster” then girls are. Being on a coed team is hard, you find yourself having to prove that you’re as good as your male teammates. What is a coed sport? You may ask played on a coed team for a small amount of time for city league soccer. Our coach was always yelling at us to pay attention because most of the girls would get distracted by the guys. Personally I never put my all into practice or games, I would get nervous to know that the guys were watching and probably judging the way we play. Females and males are both built very differently and both carry weight in different ways, you could be a male that is 125 lbs and have muscles while there is a woman is who the same weight but have no muscle. …show more content…

Usually girls are not taken serious when playing and people sometimes doubt them very much. Most sports are offered for women too, here at Umatilla High School they offer women’s soccer, women’s basketball, and many other sports there's no need to have it be coed. The males do train differently than the females do as I seen while playing soccer. The boys always seem to be running and conditioning throughout the whole season, while we did condition but nothing intense after the first two weeks, more drills were brought in instead of

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