The Multi-Factor Ecological Theories Of Sexual Abuse

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Sexual abuse is a forced act of sexual behavior usually done out of the want of power, control, and feel of being superior. The child may be manipulated by violence of force, enticement, or threat. There are different theories stating the factors that may cause there to be a higher chance of sexual abuse but many of the times the child naturally cooperates because of the trust or love they have for the adult. Sexual abuse can be done from a blood relative which is known as the nuclear family that is called interfamilial abuse, including, older brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandfathers, stepfathers, or live in boyfriends. Extra familial abuse is an abuser outside of the family. The multi factor ecological theory of sexual abuse consists of 4 systems. The first system is macro that states the cultural beliefs and values of the cause of sexual abuse. This system states television is a factor of sexual abuse because of the great influence it has on children. As well as cultural messages to children, can be extremely suggestive, sexualized and …show more content…

Precondition model 1 is based the factors that strive the abuser to committing the abuse, the individuals emotional factors for sexually abusing is based on emotional development, it’s the need to feel power and control over someone, many of the times these individuals were sexually abused in their childhood and they are re-enacting the abuse done to them. The social/cultural factors related to the lead of sexual abuse is the need to feel dominant and in power in sexual relationships. The individual sexual arousal factors can come from childhood sexual experience that traumatized the individual, sexual interest in children by someone else, incorrectly attribution of arousal cues, and biological abnormality. The social cultural factors are child pornography, sexual portraits of children in advertising, and male drive to attribute to all emotional

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