Incest Essay

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Incest is a sexual abuse by blood relative who is assumed to the pat of the child’s nuclear family. An individual assuming the role of a surrogate parent, Older siblings, who differ in age or by virtue of their power and resources. Incest occurs between fathers and daughters, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters and mothers and sons. Insect can be categorized by Oral genital contact, genital or anal penetration, genital touching of the victim by the perpetrator, any other touching of private body parts, sexual kissing and hugging;(Wisconsin coalition against sexual assault, 2014) All forms of child sexual abuse can have negative long-term effects for the victim. You can read about some of those effects Incest is especially damaging because it disrupts the child’s primary support system, the family. Incest happens in all types of family setting those that are financially-privileged, as well as those of low socio-economic status. It happens to those of all racial and ethnic descent, and to those of all religious traditions. Victims of incest are boys and girls, infants and adolescents. “incest victim endured an isolated incident of abuse or ongoing assaults over an extended period of time, the process of recovery can be exceptionally painful and difficult”
According to Wisconsin coalition against sexual assault indicates that 46% of children who are raped are victims of family members.11% of rape victims are raped by their fathers or step-fathers, and another 16% are raped by other relatives as a child. Research indicates that 46% of children who are raped are victims of family members. (Wisconsin coalition on sexual assault, 2014)Although insect remains one of the most under-reported crimes in our county, making accura...

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...ders, flashbacks, guilt, anger and anxiety (RAIN 2012). Accordinf to a interview conducted by Sue Blume, C.S.W., Diplomate in Clinical Social Work on “ Post- incest syndrome” some affects listed by survivors of incest sexual abuse included “Swallowing and gagging sensitivity; repugnance to water on face when bathing or swimming (suffocation feelings)Alienation from body—not at home in own body; failure to heed signals of body or take care of it; poor body image;manipulating body size to avoid sexual attention; compulsive cleanliness, incl. bathing in scalding water; or, total inattention to personal appearance or hygiene,Trust issues: inability to trust (trust is not safe); absolute trust that turns to rage when disappointed; trusting indiscriminately. Avoidance of mirrors (connected with invisibility, shame/self-esteem issues; distorted perceptions of face or body)”

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